the footsteps between us.

45 8 0

i landed in chicago today.

i thought about us in the airport
and as i searched the crowd of people;
every face looking like you.
my mind became muddled, and every voice swirling around me became yours.

i tried to block you out,
but my heart refused;
insisting that you were here.

and when you weren't
my feet began to walk towards my gate,
the sounds of sappy love songs
blaring into my ears.
my chest ached with loneliness, even as hundreds of people milled around me;
my untamed daydreams seeking refuge in your embrace.

the strangers who took the empty seat next to me were an
of your presence.

i shivered with an unknown cold as the plane lifted off,
my heart wrenching as i realized
that even though i was closing
the gap more so,
you wouldn't be waiting for me on the
other side.

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