a letter to the universe.

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there is a girl i know
who has a restless mind,
a guarded heart,
a broken smile,
and soft eyes.

she isn't the type to be loud to begin with,
but even then,
she doesn't have
to raise her voice
to be noticed;
her spirit is as bold as they come.

underneath the cottony handfuls of fabric that surround her body,
there is a fire.
a beautiful fucking
inferno that threatens to take over the world with every beat of her heart.
she writes me love letters often,
and with her words come that raging hellfire which has consumed my heart indefinitely.
so much so, i am certain that it shall never burn
for even when we are all long in the ground, my love for her shall remain undying; the flames licking at the stories being told of us.

so, dear universe, i ask that you protect this girl.
protect her special qualities,
her squeals when she gets happy,
the way she blushes when i compliment her, the beautiful way she composes words on a page, her laugh, her wild streak, her desire to protect those around her, and
the way she says "i love you" to me.

i hate to be selfish, but, universe, i wish to never lose this extraordinary woman.

but, regardless of how the years toll our love, my one request is to ensure the happiness of this girl. whether it be with or without me.

just make her the happiest in the world. because if anyone deserves the feeling, it's her.

- a lovesick bastard

an ire for bards and other things.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang