barmecide romance.

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illusory or imaginary and therefore disappointing.


my dear,

you pulled
i pushed.

and right now,
i'm in the middle of falling.
falling forward in slow motion;
watching while the world keeps spinning round.

right now,
every second ticking by,
i am falling.
i am falling hard,
and i begin to fall faster every time i
am blessed by the bounty of words
that roll off your

i don't understand,
even now,
what has compelled me to write this.
i am writing it and it shall be written:
i doubt that you feel the same.
i doubt that you ever will feel towards me the way i do you.
please don't lie to me

all the same,
i am falling for you
i need to know
if you'll be there to
catch me.

- i don't know where i stand with you,
or what you want from me.
all i know is that when i talk to you,
i want to be with you.

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