Good little girl

116 4 2

Fiolees pov

I woke up to a familiar surrounding.

It was my room but not all burnt.

I woke up to find my body taller and I looked way older.

I was 10 years old!!!!!

What the heck happened to me.

I got up and found myself not in my regular outfits.

I was in a blue shirt and blue skirt and had a bunny hat on.

I walked to my door and smelled bacon and pancakes.

I walked out to the hallway and shut the door behind me.

When I walked down the stairs everyone looked at me.

"Daddy what's going on" I said when Marley shoved everything on the table behind her.

Daddy ran to me and gave me a hug.

"Ummm daddy what happened to me" I asked sitting down.

"Long story short your ok and I'll tell you later ok" daddy said.

"You hungry fiolee" nala said handing me a plate of bacon pancakes.

"Fiolee we would like you to meet someone new" Marley said.

"So when will page be coming" nala asked.

"Oh probably soon" Marley said.

"So were trying to make a group" I said stuffing my face full of pancakes.

"Well we want you to have someone to lean towards and help you battle" nala said.

I finished eating and took my plate to the sink.

"So fiolee we need to start training again today" Marley said.

"Yeah totally" I said walking outside.

I was handed a wooden sword and Marley taught me some moves.

"So here's when your charging at someone" she said.

She grabbed the sword with 2 hands and pulled her shoulders back at charged at a tree.

"Ok fiolee you try" she said.

I grabbed the sword with both hands and charged like she did.

"Good job fiolee" Marley said clapping.

I did it and was really out of breathe.

" do. Next" I said.

"Well now we learn blocking" Marley said.

"Ok now move in this stance and put the sword in front of you" she said.

I did what she said and she hit her sword against mine.

She was really strong but I was able to hold it against her.

I slid underneath her and had the sword at her throat.

"Woah nice work fiolee" she said.

"Now some fire magic" she said.

I didn't want to use fire....

" can't I learn another spell" I asked.

Marley turned to me.

"Fiolee I know your scared....but it's time you learn to control that fear" she said smiling.

I nodded and breathed in and out.

"Ok now try to produce a fireball" she said.

I put all my energy into my hand and saw a small ball of fire.

I jumped up started yelling.

"Ok calm down fiolee" she said.

I calmed down and waited for instructions.

"Ok now try to move it or have a target" Marley said.

I looked around for a target until I saw a bucket.

I threw the fireball at the bucket.

"Yeahhhhh" I said.

"Nice work fiolee" she said.

I was just happened to Lavern how to control fire

In the end(seaquel to I''ll carry you home)Where stories live. Discover now