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He kept walking towards me. the closer he got the more my heart felt like it was about to literally pop out of my chest.
next thing i knew i was waking up. " where am i " i asked . people where standing all around me, just staring. everything was blurry but the more i looked , i had realized i was still at the bar.
" Hey are you ok ? " a familiar voice said,
' HOLY FUCK ITS HIM' i literally screamed to myself .
" uh... y-yeah i'm , i'm ok " i said to him, probably sounding like a complete idiot .
" Haha ok good, I was about to ask you if you wanted a drink- my friend Max wanted to get you one, - he's just too much of a bitch to ask you himself " he said , pausing for a moment . " But as soon as i started walking towards you, you just fainted "
" oh . um ok " i mumbled . i feel like a complete dumbass. literally- who passes out when they see someone walking towards them?
i mean, yeah he's cute and all, but there was no need for me to pass out.

i got up and dusted myself off, the crowd of people staring at me before, had now mingled off, making it just me and the boy, standing in the middle of the bar.
after staring at him for a few seconds, i finally snapped out of it, i quickly thanked him and started to walk away, but got tugged back by his hand.

" What ?? " i nervously asked him

" So are you gonna take the drink or not "
shit. i forgot about that.

" Oh yeah , uh sure ? " ' i said. i never drink. i'm too young to drink. but it's worth a shot ' i thought to myself. i turned around and followed him, my heart beating 100 mph.
He walked me over to a little group of people.

" Ashlynn, this is Max, Cameron, Austin, Olivia, and Drew, and i'm Harry" he said to me, introducing me to his friends. " Cute boy with a cute name " i accidentally said out loud ... a little too loud - they just looked at me- '  anywho ' i thought to myself .. I kinda found it weird how there where only two girls . Cameron and Olivia. Olivia looked sweet , and gentle, with long brown curly hair, and calm brown eyes, while Cameron, on the other hand, looked kinda scary- She had Brown hair as well, a tattoo on her left arm, A nose piercing, and a lip piercing .

All of the guys looked pretty decent, not as hot as harry, but definitely close behind. Harry walked over, and sat beside Cameron. of course he did. As i was about to pull up a chair, Max smiled at me, and waved his arm beside him, telling me to sit down. i honestly didn't feel comfortable around all of them. i know
i told myself to get out and meet people, but why did it have to be here? like this?? .

after having a little conversation with max, we decided to exchange phone numbers. i hadn't planned on ever really talking, nor texting him again, but at least i have his number ; i guess.

i should feel happy that someone is interested in me, but this all just feels weird. Plus this has never happened before. i'm kind of chubby, i have dirty blonde hair, small boobs, and no ass. no one has ever showed liking towards me. i've always just been in the corner, while all the other girls at my old school got all the attention.

i decided i was getting tired, so i told them all goodbye, and i left. i got home and took a nice bath. i ended up being in there a little longer than planned. i wanted to shave, and at least make myself look a little presentable. it is still only the first week of school, and id like to change my look up a bit. I grabbed the scissors and started cutting the end of my hair. i finally got it up to my shoulders. It looked ok. not professional or anything, obviously so i'll have to go get it shaped up tomorrow after school.
i cleaned up the mess i had just made, and walked back into my room. i grabbed a onesie. a little childish , yes. but i'm the only one home, so i honestly dont care. plus it's very comfortable. After getting dressed, and brushing my teeth and hair, i walked over to my closet.
" Shit " i said to myself. I left all of my bags inside my car.
i hastily walked out to my car, grabbed my bags full of room decor and clothes, and came back in. i was too lazy to put anything away, so i just grabbed a random outfit out of my bag, and laid it on the end of my bed .
after standing there for a second i finally crawled into bed. the clock read 11:32 .
' not too late ' i thought , and after only a few minutes, i softly fell asleep. replaying all the events that had just happened today.

broken soul ( H. S . )Where stories live. Discover now