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it's been 2 days and i still haven't made any friends. i've stumbled across a few girls here and there, had a conversation with the lunch lady, and have gotten a little closer with Mrs.Peterson. ugh what am i doing with my life . i seriously need to get out , and meet someone.

( next day )

i decided i'd skip today, although i was late yesterday and it's only the third day of school, i just couldn't drag myself out of bed. i felt extremely exhausted for some unknown reason, and i know going to school for 8 hours just to hear gossip, and rambling teachers wouldn't help.

i ended up laying in bed until around noon, i probably would've stayed there longer if it wasn't for my obsessive love over coffee , so of course, i got up, wearing only some gray sweats and a black crop tank top, only to go to dunkin' donuts once again. the little shop is only about 5 minutes from my house , so that's a plus .

after getting my one and only iced mocha, as bad as i looked, i decided i'd try an get a little more familiar with my new town . i passed by many stores, only to finally decide to go to Target. i hadn't been in awhile and i did need to pick up some more clothes, and some stuff for my new room.

after being in target for a little more than two hours, i finally left. i was happy with what i had gotten, but still had a few hours until the sun set, and i had no clue what i'd do.
i started to get hungry, so instead of wasting gas, i decided i'd stick with the little bar next store to target. ' How Convenient ' i thought to myself. i put my bags in the car and walked over to the mini bar, in which The sign on the front read " Mona's Stop N' Drop " hah. what a funky name. i walked inside , it was very old fashion. it was lined with red, white, and black beaming lights, there where cute little booths, which looked to be made for couples, but i didn't mind, as the waitress seated me in one. after getting my menu , i had decided to go with Pink Lemonade, Chicken Tenders, and some Fries, not too much , but just enough to fill me up until i get home.

after sitting at the little booth for about 20 minutes i decided it was time to go. I called the waitress over to get my check, and started to walk out the door. Right as i opened it, i heard the voice . The voice of the boy who had caught my attention in English. The boy with the beautiful curls, godly smile, and hot accent.
i turned around, only to see him walking up to me. i panicked. my heart nearly exploded. i had no clue what was about to happen. so what happened next, shocked me more than ever.

( hehe little cliffhanger i know ! but omgkekfkek i cannot describe how happy i am with how my story line is coming along ! :) i know it's also super early, and a lot could happen between now and whenever the book is over, but i feel as if i've already decided on an ending ! haha i hope it shocks you guys as much as it would me, but if i do go along with this ending, i'd HAVE to make a second book and i'm completely fine with that in all honesty ahah, but i am gonna be making a new chapter, if not two, daily only because school starts in 24 days, and i don't wanna start to slack in the beginning, so i'm trying to get as far as i can !
sorry for how long this is, it's currently 2:38 am for me, so i'm going to sleep! i hope you enjoy , xx )

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