Prologue: Mailbox

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Hola mi amours! Haha first time writing so pls don't hate too much haha but if you feel the urge to say something, please leave your comments below. Enjoy Xx

>>when you get a letter from bae lol

Alessandra's POV

" we have Lacy Summers with us, so tell us Lacy, how do you do it? How are you so successful with—"

Turning the T.V off with a sigh, I turn and head towards the kitchen. Wanna know how she became successful? Well she dances on a pole at a shitty night club and maintains a good number of baby daddies. The fake blond probably charges a grand for every blowjob.

Fixing myself a nice cuppa of mocha yummy-ness, I lean against the kitchen window & gaze out into my backyard.

Something brown and furry catches my eye. I turn to see Bono, the neighbor's dog leaping up towards the tree. Nestled in between two leafy branches, is Taki, my cat.

Cheese, I thought. I really need to fix up that back fence. For Takis sake.

I live by myself. Moved out of my parents' house two years ago after graduating with my masters in Aerospace engineering. Everything was fine for a while until bills began piling up. Being a grown up is tiring.

Choosing to major in Aerospace engineering was a decision I had made since I was in ninth grade. I knew it would be difficult because: 1. Not a lot of women majored in it and 2. Job competition is extreme. Nevertheless, I went with it and up to now, I don't regret it at all.

The sound of a phone ringing, snaps me out of my thoughts. Grabbing it, I answer right away knowing who it is without looking at the caller ID.

"Hi Mamas" I grin, holding the cell close to my ear.

"Lessi! Honey, hope I'm not calling at the wrong ti—"

"No mum", I interrupt "I'm not busy right now. What's up? Is everything alright?"

" Of course. Why wouldn't they be? Anyway, I'm calling to see if you've gotten any word from those companies you've applied to. I'm sure you were able to impress the CEO of Boeing. Oh, I'm calling to check up on you too haha"

Chuckling softly, I reply " No, not yet. I haven't even checked my email yet"

"Well what are you waiting for? And please don't tell me you're just sitting at the kitchen counter drinking that sugary drink of yours." She muttered "I swear you're just like your father. That old man can't stay away from that stuff."

From a distance, I hear my father call out "who are you calling old, woman?"

I grin. Like father like daughter.

"—also hope you're exercising on a daily basis"

I groan at that. "Mama—" I start

"Nuh-uh missy, don't start.", she interrupts. "I think it's time you began exercising. I've seen the way men look at you and your curvy hips. As much as I want grandchildren, I'm too youn—"

"Josie! Leave the poor girl alone. She's old enough to take care of herself" my dad intervenes.

"Don't interrupt me" Mum scoffs "Look what happened when we had let her date that Jeffy boy."

I sigh. His name was Jake & he was my childhood sweetheart. My love. My one & only.Until he cheated on me.

That's in the past now. I'm done with that shit. Shaking my head, I tune back in to our conversation

" I'll start exercising. Don't you worry mum. I'll text you if I get any word from the companies. Love you & dad"

"Love you, honey"

Tossing my phone onto the counter, I head towards my bedroom to get my laptop.

Logging into my email, I see three new emails. "Okay, one from Airbus Group Limited, okay not bad. One from Bombardier Aerospace, yusss. One from—Holy shit. No. Fucking Way."

One from Boeing.

I open the email, fully aware of my heart beating erratically.

Congratulations Ms Pruitt,
       On behalf of the board and management team at Boeing, it is my pleasure to say, You've got the job. Please stop by our office tomorrow, June 23 to sign your contract and we will go over the details then. Congratulations again, Ms Pruitt. Looking forward to the work you'll put in for Boeing.
                Best wishes,
                        Dennis Muilenburg
                            CEO of Boeing

" Holy macaroni with siratcha" I whisper. I pinch myself to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

Racing downstairs, I grab my phone & text my parents to tell them the good news. I also text Clary, my bestie.

A few minutes later, I get their reply's.
Told you, you'd get the job. You are my daughter after all. So proud of you honey. Mom

Congrats, babe!!  Dinner on me tonight. Meet me @ Dakota's. 7 ' o clock. Love ya. Clary Xx

This was just the beginning. A good start.
I smile.

Welp, there ya have it folks. Let me know what y'all think :)

Correna Xx

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