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Henry's POV

"Alexander?" I stared at the man standing in front of me. Could it be My Alexander? It looked like him. No. It, it couldn't be him. This person had long pink hair. Also, he's dead. I remember the day like it was yesterday. 

Mr Knox, how is your leg?

Well, it was shot so just peachy.

I have some bad news for you. 

What could be worse than just being in here?

Alexander Hamilton died last night. 


He was found in his room with multiple cuts to his arms. He bled out to death. 

Any other news? 

No. Hows your room?


Well if you didn't attack that man you wouldn't be locked in here all day.

Go away. 

I need to give you your treatment.

I don't want any more treatment. Go away

You'll die. 

Good. I have nothing left to live for.

Oh please, Henry, you're ten. Give it a rest. 

"Guys, we need to get going." the boy beside Alex said.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I start to get up. I couldn't walk. With everything going on just now I forgot that they had to amputate my leg just below the knee, two years ago. 

"Woah, what happened to your leg?" Alex asked me. 

"Guys, let's go." The guy beside him said. Alex helped me up and out. There were two more guys by the exit. They all helped me to get out of the place. When I got outside I couldn't believe my eyes. there were cars, buildings and fresh air. I haven't seen any of these things since I was three. They gave me some crutches they said they had in case there was someone like me who couldn't walk. We get to a large building where I was given new clothes. I was also given a new room. It was very nice. It had a TV! The only area back in the place that had that was the entertainment area and the TV didn't even work. I tried my hardest to take a shower but it was hard on one leg. After my shower, I sat down on the bed and watched some TV for the first time since I was three. As I went through channels I heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in," I yell. A young girl, younger looking than me and a man walked in. 

"Hi. I was told that someone in this room needs a leg?" The man said holding up an artificial leg. 

"Uh yeah," I say. He comes over and starts 

"Hi. I'm Peggy." The young girl said. "And you are?" 

"Uh. Henry Knox." Her face turned white as her smile dropped. 

"But, Alex said you were dead." 

"Only on the inside." 

"Does Alex..." 

"Know I'm alive? Yes." 

"Well hello, Henry. How are you feeling?"

"Odd. I haven't been in a bed this big since I was three." 

"That's horrible. So, just to let you know that we'll give you the next couple of months to settle into being back outside. Then in January, We'll be starting you in school." The man who put my new leg got up.

"Try standing up." He says to me. I stand up. It's not easy. I fall back over onto the bed. I try to get up again. I manage to balance. "Try moving it." I try to move it. I could slightly. "Very good. Do you think you could walk?" I try. I fall forward and end up falling onto Peggy. Knocking her over. 


"Nah it's cool man." The man helped me up and handed me the crutches. 

"Work on the walking. Use the crutches if you need to." 

"Cool. Thanks." The man leaves. I sit back down on the bed.

"Oh, also we serve breakfast from six am to eleven am and dinner from five pm to eight pm."

"Wait. There's no set time we have to eat at?" 

"No. you just come anytime between then." 

"Awesome. What time is it now?" 

"Three pm." 


"What are you watching?" I look at the TV. There was a tall guy with long hair and a still tall but not as tall guy with short hair. They both had like three layers of clothes on. a shirt, Plaid shirt and a jacket. Who needs that many layers? They were burning a body or something. 

"I have no idea." She giggled at my response. 

"Well, I need to get going. You can do as you feel. Walk around. Go talk to people. Do what you want. Have fun." 

"Thanks." She leaves. I decide to go walk around. I want to explore. I see a boy a bit younger than me walk past. I recognize him 

"Henry! They said you were dead." 

"I've been told. Nice to see you, Evan." 

"You too! What happened to your leg? your cancer?" 

"No. They shot me and it ended up getting infected." 

"Ouch. Can you believe we're out! They're seeing if they can locate some of our parents. I hope they can find mine. I'd like to see them again." 

"Yeah. I'd like to see my parents too. Hey, how'd you break your arm?" 

"Oh, I slipped on a toy." 


"Yeah. I need to get going but I'll see you around."

"Yeah." I keep walking around. A girl with long black hair approaches me.

"Hi, I'm Eliza. How are you feeling." 

"Good. I'm glad to be out of there." 

"How long were you in there?" 

"Since I was three." 

"Holy shit. How old are you now?" 


"Oh my god. What's your name?" 

"Henry Knox." She had the same reaction as Peggy. I guess she's a friend of Alex's too. 


"Said I was dead. I know." 

"Does he..."

"Know I'm alive? Yes." 

"Has he come to see you?" 


"Well, he probably doesn't know what to say." 

"I'm kind of glad. I don't know what to say. They told me he was dead." 

"Wow." We end up going back to my room and talk for a bit. She's a really cool person. We talked about our lives and our favourite things and other stuff too. 

"Well, I need to get going. I need to go help make dinner. I'll see you around Henry." 

"Yeah, you too Eliza." She left. I was really tired and wanted to go to bed but I was also hungry so I waited around until dinner. I went down and got some food. After dinner, I went back up to my room. as I walked down the hall I notice that someone was sitting at my door. 

Uncertain- Lams Highschool ficWhere stories live. Discover now