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Authors note- I just realized that I called this Chapter five instead of four. This is what happens when I write at 2 in the morning

John's POV

Alex and I got up that morning and got ready to go to Starbucks to meet up with friends. Alex wore an outfit I had bought him from Amercian Eagle yesterday. Fuck he looked hot. No, I can't be thinking that. I have a boyfriend. I dismiss the thought and lock up my house and we start to walk. 

"I had a dream about my past," Alex said.

"That's great! What was it about?" 

"I was very young. Maybe about three. There was a woman there. I think she was my mother. I don't know where we were but we were outside, having a picnic. I was running around. It was happy." He smiled a little. He didn't smile too often.

"That's awesome Alex! Hopefully, you'll start to remember things. 

"Yeah. That would be great." We get to Starbucks and I hear Sam arguing with Peggy. 

"Dean and Castiel are so gay for each other," Peggy said as we got to the table.

"They're just friends," Sam replies. 

"Sure. Next, you're going to tell me that Metatron was a good guy."

"HE WAS!" 


"Stop arguing over lame things mon amis." Lafayette said. 

"Laf, the other day you and Herc argued about Who Michael Mells should be with." We all laughed. We talked for about 2 hours. It was mostly Peggy and Eliza talking about their trip to London. Alex was very quiet. I don't even think he said a word the entire time. 

"So Alex, Where are you from?" Peggy asked. This may go south. 

"I don't know. I don't know anything other than a couple little things about myself." Alex said.

"So you don't know your real name, where you lived, who your parents are, or anything about yourself," Sam said. 


"How do we know if we can trust you?"

"I guess you just think positive." 

"This is insane." 

"What's insane?" 

"You're insane." Something was wrong. Sam is usually the sweetest person. But he was being a douche bag to Alex. 

"Yo, Sam, calm down," Herc says. 

"No. This is bullshit. You guys expect me to just sit here with some unknown guy who doesn't even know himself. He's crazy and probably faking it for attention." What the fuck was his problem? Why was Sam being such a dick? 

"I'm leaving. My advice, you should put him back in the dumpster that you found him." What. The. Fuck. Alex was crying. 

"Alex it's okay. He's a douche bag and if he's going to be like that then we won't be our friend anymore." Peggy said. 


Alex's POV

He was right. why were they being so nice to me? What it because I am crazy. I don't even know the fucking year! I walked out of the place and started walking down the street. I didn't know where I was walking to but I know I wasn't going to stop. 



My friends just lost someone because of me. I couldn't shake the fact that I may be ruining people's lives. 

Uncertain- Lams Highschool ficWhere stories live. Discover now