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"Claire Collins, don't you dare-"

"Too late! It's already done."

My best friend, Claire, opened her locker to reveal a certain ugly photo of me hung up inside of the door. I scowled, shooting her a glare. "We talked about this." I ground out.

Claire giggled at the sight and flicked her fiery red hair over her shoulder. "I know. This one is my favorite!" She exclaimed, pointing to the picture of me after I got my wisdom teeth removed. I was drooling all over myself, a lopsided grin on my face.

It was freshman year of high school. I had come to school one day telling Claire about my dentist appointment to get my wisdom teeth removed, she begged me to take her with my mom and I. Afterwards, I went home and complained to my mom about it, and to my surprise she actually told me that Claire could join us.

Claire and my mom had this bond to where I'm pretty sure Claire came over to my house for my mom, not me; they could talk on and on for hours on end.

When my appointment came, Claire recorded the aftermath of my wisdom teeth removal. I guess she took a screenshot of a point in the video and that's how she got the photo.

About a week after my appointment, Claire showed me the video.

It was so embarrassing.

Claire got the biggest kick out of it though, and since she refused to delete that terrible video, I made her promise not to share it with anyone.

But this...this was sharing a bit of that video.

Claire had been my best friend since we were toddlers. She lived next door to me, and we also went to the same daycare as little kids. Ever since we both got swatted on the hand with a wooden spoon together in daycare, we were inseparable.

Now, here we were, seventeen years old, still best friends. I can honestly say, even after fifteen years of friendship we have never fought before, mostly because we agreed on every single thing.

But this time, this is war.

"Claire... This calls for extreme measures, you know." I said sweetly, a sly smile on my lips.

"Extreme measures" was code for "You are so going to wish you didn't do what you just did."

As soon as I said it, Claire knew what my revenge was. She flushed, her pale face becoming even more pale.

Middle school Halloween party photos.

Oh yeah, she's going to regret ever taking that video in the first place.

As the head of the Student Council, I had access to our school's Twitter account, which had thousands of followers -- all of which attended our very school.

Including the cute guys that Claire loved to stalk on every social media known to man.

One time, Claire found out this guy had a Tinder account and made an account as well, just so she could try to match with him.

It didn't work out.

At all.

Turned out he very much had a girlfriend who became his ex-girlfriend after that Tinder incident. After that, Claire couldn't stop talking about how shallow he was and how she shouldn't waste her precious time on an idiot like him.

I took my phone out of my back pocket, already in search of some payback photos. Claire grabbed at my phone with a laugh. "No, Evanine!" She exclaimed.

I turned and tucked my phone into my side, running down the hall. I looked behind me, a grin on my face, and watched Claire try to catch up to me.

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