It's Just too much

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OK I won't be back for like 5 day!

5 whole days! Next week ;). I

'll try to finish this as a long chapter.


many but when I go, I'll take a notebook.

But I'm Busy with all the other stuff too.Bye Bye Litter cupcakes

Anna's POV
He has inches away from kissing me.

It just didn't feel right, to hurt Louis and I just couldn't I didn't have the heart.


He stopped and I got up and ran to Crissy.

I didn't mean to leave him, well OK I did but it didn't feel right.


I ran next to her.

She was by the house door.


She looked worried.

"Louis he's locked him self in the bathroom. He's crying, and what if something bad happened. Like he's committed  suicide or something!"

She pulled me inside to the bathroom door.

I could hear someone crying, and whimpering.

Crissy walked away slowly.

I knocked on the door.


I herd a sniff.

"What do you want Julianna?"

I pouted.

"Who told you my real name?"

he opened the door.


I rolled me eyes.

"Louis tell me why your crying."

I whipped away one of his tears with my thumb.

"I couldn't do it."

I looked up at his pretty blue eyes.

I could melt just this time.

Or was I melting?

What if it was just love?

"Do What?"

he was almost in tears.

"Cheat on you."

He looked up at me.


he shook his head and couldn't help but smile at my WA?.

"I mean hurt you, I was going to try to make you jealous and I couldn't do it. You would never do that to me, until I saw you with Liam."

His head went down again.

"He ALMOST kissed me, But I really couldn't do it either."

He looked up and smiled as I did too.

"Julie, will you be mine again?"

I smiled at the fact that he asked me to be his.

Also at the fact he gave me a nickname.

"I always was."

Louis leaned in and kissed me.

The sparks came again, and even more fireworks (LITERALLY).

That night I went to bed, knowing that everything was OK, until I got the call.

slammed the stupid phone quickly into the thing you put the phone in.

I ran to MY bathroom in tears.

It was all to much.

My life is now happy, but after hearing that it reminded me of.....Allison.

I looked through the supply closet and found a pair of scissors.

I'm going to do it, I am. I sat down on the floor and slowly cut my arm/wrist.

It was pain full.

All the blood coming from me was a lot.

Louis's POV. 

I went to say good night to Julie.

I opened the door to see she wasn't there


I herd d coming from the bathroom.


I opened to see, her bleeding and crying.

"Julie! What in the world happened to you? did you do this?"

She nodded her head slowly.

I ran to get her a towel to put on her wrist.

I ran back to see her doing it again.

"Julie stop it!"

I took the scissors out o her hand. I put the towel on her wrist.


She didn't look up.

"It's all to much."

She whispered.

"Allison, now James. My mom even Lefed for the whole fucking summer because you dosn't care! Lexi, Lexi she's not my friend at all anymore. She's now a bitch."

I rubbed her back as I tried to stop her bleeding.

"Julie is there anything for your arm?"

She pointed to the bandages in the open closet.

I grabbed them. I rapped the bandages around her arm.


She sighed


I picked her up (Bridal Style) and put her on her bed.

"No, matter what you always have me."

I kissed her head and put the covers over her.

"Good Night."

she smiled as she closed her eyes.

"Good Night."

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