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After Naruto's attack on mount Olympus Artemis had retreated to her tent in the hunters camp. She had said it was because she was tired and needed to rest but the Gods new she was hurting at her sons actions.

Holding a photo of her, Minato and baby Naruto she cried and cried. Her heart breaking because of Naruto but she knew it was mostly her fault.

In the six months he'd been in her world she'd watched him closely and despite his coldness she still saw a lot a Minato in him.

This caused her to grow feelings for him. Not feelings of mother and son but of woman and man. Either way she'd be happy, just as long as she could hold Naruto in her arms once more.

For four days she cried until the fifth she felt someone calling for her. A voice she had longed to hear calling for her.

"Artemis....Kushina whichever one we need to ...ah.... talk" Naruto's voice spoke in her mind, his tone full of emotional stress.

Instantly she hurried to make herself presentable before summoning Naruto to her temple, him appearing in a flash of white light.

Artemis sat on her bed and looked at her son, tears still present in her eyes. She watched as he tried to speak over and over and just waited patiently.

"Kushi—mother.....I'm sorry" Naruto said, his eyes locked on the ground.

"I didn't realise that you had no choice in leaving me nor in how I was raised. My violent upbringing and hatred warped my mind and made me hate you, but that's no excuse" he spoke in a pain filled tone. "I understand if you no longer want me as a son but I just need you to know that I'm sorry"

A few tears slid down his cheeks as he finished. Standing there he waited for a harsh rejection.

"Oh my baby boy!" Artemis exclaimed before grabbing Naruto and pulling him into her bed. She held him in her arms like she'd wanted to for so long and stroked his hair soothingly.

Naruto relaxed into the embrace and wrapped his arms around her waist, laying his head on her chest.

"I forgive you for everything. I love you and I'm so sorry I had to leave you but now we can be together again and I'm not going to let anything change that" Artemis whispered to Naruto causing him to sob in regret.

She just held him and whispered sweet nothings in his ears until he stopped crying.
By then he looked almost ready to sleep.

Getting caught in the moment and her own feelings Artemis leaned down and captured Naruto's lips with hers, a spark igniting within them both.

When they broke apart she had an absolutely beautiful smile on her face. Gently she moved his head back to her chest and quietly told him to sleep.

Without having to be told twice Naruto cuddled into his mother and fell asleep. She proceeded to sing softly and run her fingers threw his hair while he slept.

When Artemis woke up in the morning she was instantly panicking at lack of a blond Demi god ninja in her arms.

With fresh tears she began to cry as she realised that Naruto hadn't really come to her to get her forgiveness. That had only been a dream. For hours she continued to cry until she fell into a fitful sleep.



"Ah Danzo. Tell me, how is the portal going?"

"It is on track, in a few months we can send up to five people through"

"That is excellent news. The time to retrieve our weapon draws ever closer"

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