Boiling Point

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It had been many months since Naruto had arrived in the world of mythology and monsters. Six months to be exact.

In this time he had certainly changed and many would say for the better. No longer did he verbally lash out at anyone or thing. He even cracked a rare half smirk now and then.

Another change was the relationship between him, Lacy and Zoe. While he didn't mind his other sisters such as Phoebe and Atalanta, Lacy and Zoe were two people he became quite fond of. Going so far as to say he would miss them should they perish.

But even with these positives changes none could stop his hatred for Artemis. Still he worked towards forcing her to send him home and kill her in the process.

Any opportunity he would get to be able to go near the gods he took as it was also a chance to get close enough to kill the woman he hated.
And soon enough he got his chance.

Chiron called all the head campers, those demigods who formed the Seven as well as Naruto.

When they arrived Naruto nodded towards Percy and Jason as even though they were weaker then him he still respected their strength. He then sat between Piper and Zoe and listened to them gossip. He hadn't met Frank or Hazel as they stayed at the Roman Camp and he only talked to Leo when he needed to forge or replace his weapons.

Once they were assembled Chiron told them that they had been called upon by the gods to join them in a meeting on Mount Olympus.

When he said this the centaur was the only one who saw the demonic, crazed smiled appear briefly on Naruto's face.

After he finished speaking a white light filled the room and when it cleared the group of demigods found themselves standing in ancient styled city with a large temple.

As they walked towards the largest temples Percy talked about how his girlfriend Annabeth had personally designed the new Olympus.


The Olympians sat on their numerous thrones as they waited for the demigods they had summoned to the meeting.

The gods and goddesses chatted amongst themselves as they waited and eventually the large temple doors opened.

Zeus smiled and went to greet the young heroes. "Revered demigods! Welcome to Oly-"
He was cut off as a large screeching sound filled the room.

From behind the group of demigods and blonde figure burst forwards, his left hand cloaked in sickly black and grey lightening.

With a burst of energy Naruto launched into the air and toward Artemis. With another burst the power of his technique more than doubled.

"Die!!! Kuro Raikiri!!" He yelled as he plunged toward the goddess of the Hunt, intent on putting his hand through her heart.

His attack was stopped as Zeus launched a burst of lightening at him as he witnessed his daughter being attacked. But all were shocked when Naruto instead of dodging, cut Zeus' lightening in half.

Without wasting a second four bursts of smoke revealed another four Naruto's, five in total. All flashed through handsigns before shouting the technique names

"Fire Style: Flame Dragon"
"Water Style: Ice Dragon"
"Wind Style: Air Dragon"
"Earth Style: Mud Dragon"
"Lightening Style: Electric Dragon"

Then all together the five blondes yelled as one.

"Collaboration Ninjutsu: Eternal Element Dragon!"

Gods and demigods alike could only watch in awe as a ginormous dragon made of all five elements descended upon the gods, mostly aimed at Artemis.

Before it could go any further the Gods flared their power and forced the dragon to break apart before using those same elements to form chains and bind Naruto.

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