Chapter 06

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We were put on house arrest. Or, more specifically, hotel arrest. Dylan and Owen weren't pleased to hear we went where there were no cameras with no extra back-up. And on top of that, they weren't happy that we didn't know anything about who attacked us. I was pretty sure Dylan wanted to send us home on the spot but Owen talked to him and instead, we were told to stay in our rooms and rest for the time being.

I told them it was a Dacosta guy based off the location of where we were and Josh agreed.

Dylan asked why we didn't have our guns on us and when I told him he specified to keep those out of sight to stay undercover, he just walked away. Owen on the other hand told us good job despite the circumstances. Josh and I both failed to mention the giant or Tom helping us out so the small praise from Owen felt wrong.

I had a feeling the leash would be a lot tighter when the house arrest was lifted.

The following day I didn't really come out of my hotel room at all. Which, when you're confined to a hotel, there's not many places you can go anyway. I took a long shower, letting the water ease my neck. It was full of bruises, some parts a deeper shade of purple depending on where his fingers were.

After, I lounged around and tried to sleep to distract my mind. Josh was persistent in trying to talk at first but I told him I was tired and would find him when I was up for it. Eventually, he gave up.

It was late, maybe around ten at night when a shrill, deafening alarm blared. I jumped awake, sitting up straight in my bed. My heart felt like it was trying to pound it's way out of my chest with each beat. I put my hands over my ears and closed my eyes, trying to drown out the alarm. It took a second after the initial fright to register that it was the fire alarm going off.

My heart calmed a bit. Quickly, I scooted off my bed and grabbed some of my personal belongings. I followed the other guests down the stairs. The noise seemed even louder in stairwell, the sound echoing off of the concrete walls.

Exiting the hotel, I stepped outside and lowered my hands from my ears. A gust of cold wind blew my hair frantically around. Luckily, I was still in my jeans and hadn't changed into pajamas before falling asleep. I zipped my jacket, trying to ward off some of the cold. The noise was still loud out here but not as bad.

I stood in front of the hotel with everyone else as they looked at the hotel to see if there was an actual fire or not. A few people had wandered into their cars, judging by the headlights on. I glanced up at the hotel as the buzz of people talking muddled together.

I noticed some of the people huddled together as part of my team and others seemed like families or a few solo people speculating what was going on. Unease drifted over me as I took in the massive swarm of people.

     Get far away from the crowd

Was this the crowd Finn was talking about? Did he start a fire somewhere? Dread filled me and I started pushing my way through the crowd to get out of it. After getting out, I looked behind me to see everything still standing. No damage yet, that was good. But how far away was far away?

Looking behind me every few feet, I continued out of the parking lot of the hotel. Two fire trucks pulled in and I moved to make sure I was clear out of their way.

When I got to the sidewalk, I checked behind me one last before crossing the street. There was a brick building directly across from me so I couldn't exactly keep going straight. My only options were right or left, but at the same time I wasn't sure how far away to even go.

Right as I started debating if Finn had just been messing with me or maybe this wasn't the crowd he was referring to, the roar of a motorcycle turning on caught my attention. I walked hesitantly to the right to see someone clad in all black sitting on the bike. He had his helmet on and as I walked closer, extended one to me in a gloved hand.

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