Chapter 4

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(A/N: The plot is finally starting to unfold! Action may occur in the next chapter.)

It felt so real.

The sun peeked through the shades. The walls were painted a light beige and he saw a bed in the corner of the room. A closet to its left was wide open showing the few contents inside.

A women- his mother, appeared in the doorway, scanning the room.

She sighed and sat on the small bed- his bed.

He remembered this, it was one of his earliest memories. He saw himself walk into the room and freeze in surprise when he caught sight of his mother. Luke felt cold, he wanted to wake up, wake up, wake up!

May smiled at the mini Luke. "Do want something to eat, baby?"

Mini Luke shifted on his feet, "O-okay."

May smiled, she took his hand and dragged him into the kitchen. Mini Luke was shaking like a leaf. May didn't seem to notice, dropping his hand and taking out a peanut butter sandwich and kool-aid. She left them on the table and pulled out cookies from the oven. She kissed mini Luke's forehead. May suddenly stiffened and Mini Luke took a step back. Luke tried to keep his breaths even, calm down.

May looked mini Luke in the eye, her eyes began to glow green, "No, no, no!" She wailed.

Mini Luke looked like he was scared to death. He bounded down the hallway and into his room. May followed him and Luke watched them disappear through the doorway. Well I'm not gonna follow them, Luke decided. But apparently he didn't get to make these decisions because not a second later his dream self was shoved by some unknown force into the room.

May was looking for him, but Luke knew that mini him was in the closet, he always used to hide in there.

"Why did you leave me?" Her desperate voice was taking on a deranged edge and he could hear his little self whimper."You should have stayed!" Her eyes glowed and a green mist began appearing. "My son, doomed!" Little Luke peeked out from behind the closet's curtains, that was all May needed. She flung the curtains open and snatched Luke's arm. "Why did you leave, Luke? You're doomed!" She was gripping his wrist so hard he heard the snap of his little self's bone break from where he stood. Little him looked faint, he was a sobbing mess and Luke felt himself shake. He remembered this, he remembered it. It had been the first time his mother had gotten physical, beforehand she would only scream and billow green smoke, that had scared him enough. Then after this moment, during her prophetic scenes she would attack and he would always end up being seriously injured, wondering where he had gone wrong. The smoke faded and who eyes turned blue, he watched as she looked down at the sobbing him and everything went black.


When he opened his eyes he saw Annabeth, Hazel, and Thalia peering down at him. Luke groaned and sat up, "Hi." Annabeth scowled at that.

"Hello." Thalia said. Annabeth sent her a glare.

Hazel's eyes seemed to glow gold and he refrained from meeting her stare. "Flashback?"

"Yeah." Then as an afterthought asked, "Where's Percy?" Thalia and Annabeth looked at each other and laughed.

Hazel sighed exasperatedly,"He's with his dad. That's why you organised this, remember? So demigods can do normal mortal stuff with their parents?"

"Yeah," Luke said, then looked at Thalia, "Why aren't you with your dad, Thals?"

"I dumped Jason with him." She told them.

"Poor Jason." Hazel frowned. Luke nodded in agreement but secretly he couldn't have cared less. The son of Jupiter was far too close to Percy, the two of them always got into each other's space and called themselves, "Bros." And everyone knew that bromance was one letter short of romance. Jason was also Percy's type, blond with blue eyes.

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