Meeting him~

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You walked through the door to your house. You sighed and locked the door behind you. Then you slipped off your shoes and changed into your pajamas. (Insert what you usually wear to bed)You flopped into your bed with a relieved sigh. After a few moments sleep crashed over you. You slept for hours but then you shivered and opened your eyes a little. You felt like you were being watched. You opened your eyes more and found someone staring at you with ice blue eyes from the corner of your room .You froze as the figure got closer and you could see it. It was a boy around your age. He wore a blood-stained hoodie and jeans. He had a smile carved into his face and as for his pale. His eyelids were burnt off. He had a knife. You froze. He had a knife. He spoke. ''Go to sleep...''His whisper made you shiver. He then ran at you but you rolled off the bed and he ended up stabbing the sheets. You reached for the baseball bat under your bed but something grabbed you and dragged you backwards. You were going to scream but then a knife was pressed to you throat and you stared up at the boy who was now on top of you. You blink. He growled but he didn't move. What's happening? Why isn't her killing me? I don't want to die....But I’m confused .You thought. Suddenly he got off of you and jumped out your window. You got up and looked out your window. He wasn't there. You closed your window and locked it. You didn't sleep much that night.

Slender ~

You were walking home one evening from a friend’s house. You two had been gossiping and studying for hours but you had to go home now. It was 6:00.You shivered. It was cold. You soon came to Slender Forest. You knew why it was named that and that's why you hated going through it to get home. Slender lived in this forest. It was fine during the day...creepy, but fine. But now it was dark...and cold. It's okay...It's okay (Y/n).You thought to yourself as you took out your phone and turned on your flashlight app. Your phone was at 30%.Just enough to get home. You point your phone at the trail ahead of you and start walking deeper into the forest, careful not to leave the forest trail. You thought you heard someone following you but you never looked behind you. You knew better. You have played his game before...#1 rule of Slender: Never turn around. You saw something on one of the tree to your right. You shone the light at it. It was a note.NO NO NO NO NO NO....It repeated over and over. Your heart stopped. You tried to ignore it and keep walking .Another note. You looked at it .You are a smart one....Unique...I might spare you...Turn around. You quietly swallowed as you read the note. Static filled your ears. ''Please no...'' You whispered. Black tentacles wrapped around your waist and lifted you up and turned you around. You couldn’t scream. You were paralyzed with fear. You came face to well kind of face with a blank white...Face? Is it a face? You looked at him. It was Slenderman. He was silent for a moment. ''I will spare you....But you must return here tomorrow. Deal?''  You nod. He lets go of you and teleports away. You walk home and go to bed. You sigh and go to sleep thinking about what just happened.


You were sitting at home making custom Amnesia levels it was 10:00 at night but it was summer so you didn't care. You hummed quietly to yourself as you thought of good jump scares. You were pretty good at them. Suddenly a new tab opened. It was Cleverbot. You clicked on the tab. (Cleverbot= C    You= Y)

C: Hello~

Y: Hi

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