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Harry was screaming like his life depended on it. He was five years old again, laying defenceless at the top of the stairs as his Unle tortured him.  He had just been yanked from the toilet by the scruff of his neck and slammed onto the landing floor as Unlce Vernon's large stumpy legs thrashed at him. His oversized, diarrhea  covered pants, still resting around his ankles. 

"P-please" Harry sobbed "I didn't mean to I s-swear!" 


Harry struggled in vain to get away but great big hands kept grabbing him, pulling him, leaving bruises in their wake. He looked down the stairs in terror. His uncle smashed his foot into his nose causing harry unexplainable agony. He screamed out but there was no one to hear him. No one to care. He begged his Uncle to stop but he only received a menacing laugh in return. His vision was blurring. He could just make out two huge hands coming towards him, before they grabbed him and threw him down the stairs. Excruciating pain hit him as he toppled downwards. He hit the bottom with a dull thud, before a flash of green light blinded him as he heard a women scream his name.


Remus shot up like a bullet. Fear gripped his insides as he heard agonising screams. Oh my god Harry!  He sprinted out of his room and into the hallway, colliding painfully with Sirius. They shared looks of terrified concern and ran full pelt into Harry's room. Remus felt his heart would burst as he looked down at the boy he already loved so dearly. 

Harry was thrashing around in his sleep, screaming at the top of his lungs, tears streaming down his pale cheeks as he sobbed. "Please no! I won't do it again p-please" 

Sirius moved closer to the distressed child "Harry wake up! It's okay your safe!" Harry's leg kicked Sirius square in the jaw as he continued to struggle against the imaginary hands hurting him. Sirius recoiled slightly before diving in once more to shake the child awake. Still Harry struggled, become increasingly hysterical until-

Harry awoke with a start, gasping for air. He was shaking uncontrollably as he looked around frantically. He didn't recognise where he was and it was dark. He felt vulnerable, Unlce Vernon could be anywhere. He made to jump of the bed and run as far away as he could but suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around him. He started wriggling like a wild animal panic rising up in him.  But the arms holding him were gentle. 

"Hey it's okay, calm down! I've got you, your safe" the voice was soothing and Harry began to relax, resting into the warm grasp. Allowing the arms to place him back on the bed. He had no energy, his sweat covered head flopped back on his pillow. He forced his eyes into focus and looked up as he unsuccessfully tried to calm his breaths. Remus and Sirius were leaning over him, concern etched across their faces. Remus gently wiped the tears and the sweat from Harry's face. 

Harry suddenly felt uncomfortable. He was drenched from head to toe in sweat and the top he was wearing clung to his skin. He suddenly realised his pants were soaked too, but not just with sweat. He looked down in horror and scrambled to the top of his bed. He began to sob uncontrollably. He knew his godfathers were going to hate him now. 

Remus and Sirius looked down, noticing the puddle on the bed sheets. They shared looks of despair, neither knowing how to console the boy. "Don't worry Harry" Remus began softly, leaning down to pick the crying child up. Harry panicked but had no more energy left to fight so allowed himself to be held in Remus' arms. He buried his face into Remus' neck and sobbed. He thought of his Uncle in the dream. No, in the memory. He trembled at the thought and continued to sob.   

Sirius cleaned the bedding with his wand before allowing Remus to place Harry  back onto the bed.  They would need washing in the morning but they were now free of wee and sweat. Harry was clearly exhausted but he was too afraid to close his eyes again. Remus and Sirius stayed with him, soothing him and stroking his incredibly messy hair. 

"I'm sorry" Harry eventually whispered in a trembling voice. 

"You've got nothing to be sorry for Pup"Sirius replied ruffling Harry's hair. 

"I'm sorry I woke you up and I'm sorry I wet my self" Harry's eyes began to fill up again. 

"We don't mind Harry, we want to look after you." 

Harry was confused by this but he was too tired. His eyes began to sag and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stay awake.

Sirius and Remus stayed with him for a while, making sure he didn't have another nightmare. They sat in silence and watched as he slept, catching each other's eye once in a while and shaking their head. Eventually, content that Harry was okay for now, they made their way back to their own beds. Neither could sleep. They were far too tormented by what they had just seen. Harry was so terrified it was almost unbearable to witness. 

Harry awoke again, he couldn't sleep. Images were floating around in his dreams and he couldn't stand it. Opening his eyes, he realised he was all alone in his new room again and through his window, he could see the dark night sky. He made futile efforts to go back to sleep but it was no use. The bed was too comfy, it wasn't right. He quietly lowered himself off the bed, as not to wake his godfathers and crawled underneath. He sighed as he rested his head on the hard floor. Much better he thought. Much more like home. It was pitch black under the bed and there wasn't much room but harry was used to confined spaces. It was all he knew. Slowly he fell back into the darkness of his own mind and slept peacefully. 

Will it ever get better? (A Harry Potter story)Where stories live. Discover now