Freaks don't matter

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Harry woke up the next morning at 5:30am. He groaned as he looked at the clock, he might as well get up and make a start on the breakfast. He dragged himself to the kitchen and climbed onto his stool once again and quietly got to work. His stomach growled loudly, but  he knew he wasn't allowed to eat anything, breaking the rules was never worth it.

Whilst the three Dursley ate the breakfast harry had prepared, Unlce Vernon turned and addressed his nephew who was as usual, standing in the corner. Harry tensed, fearing he had done something wrong; the Dursleys never spoke to him during meal times. 

"Your Aunt, Dudley and I are going out" he said flatley. "We will not be returning until tomorrow"

Harry's spirits lifted slightly but was careful not to let his emotions show on his face. "Am going  to Mrs figg's then sir?" He bit his lip  knowking he was pushing his luck- he wasn't allowed to ask questions. 

"Don't be stupid" Aunt Petunia snapped "look at the state of you! No way are we going to let someone see you, you bring enough shame on this family as it is!" 

At this, Dudley began to wail. " But mummy we can't bring him with us! He will make us all look like freaks" 

"Oh don't worry diddykins, we're not taking the freak with us" she replied gently, patting he beloved sons arm. "He can stay here"

"I don't want him to be able to go into my room! He'll make it smell!" Dudley continued, banging his fist on the table. 

"Of course not Dudley"uncle Vernon soothed  "I will lock the boy in his cupboard, we obviously can't give the oddity free reign of the house." He laughed.

Harry felt his heart plummet. He liked it at mrs Figg's, she was always so kind and fed him whole meals and even allowed Harry to sit at the table! Now he was going to be locked in his small cupboard again, staving.

Later that morning, Uncle Vernon pulled Harry out of the bathroom where he was cleaning the toilet, by the scruff of his neck and lobbed him into the cupboard, locking the door without saying a single word. As he heard the car doors slamm and the sound of the car engine fading away, Harry began to cry. He had hoped the Dursleys would remember to feed him before they left. 

Harry glanced at the clock. 10:40am. 2 hours. That's all it had been. If he didn't die due to lack of food, he surely would die of bordom. He tried pushing against his cupboard door. No luck. Definitely locked. Harry sighed, imagining all the fun he could have had if he could get out. Before long, harry needed the toilet and he squeezed his legs together, he didn't want to wee on his floor again, It was already covered in stains and the odour was unimaginable. He pushed against the door again. If only the cupboard wasn't locked.

Just as he thought it, he heard the scrape of the lock and the door swung open. Harry froze, he couldnt believe his luck. His Uncle mustn't of locked it probably he thought, grinning  to himself as he dashed to the toilet. When he came back out, his emerald eyes were alight with excitement. What would he do first?

For the first time in his life, harry had free run of the house and could go where ever he wanted without fearing punishment. He had the best day ever. He felt alive as he broke every rule he could, knowing he would be killed if the Dursleys found out, but how could they? They were gone. 

By nightfall, Harry had watched countless tv shows, played on Dudleys computer, helped himself to food (only small amounts so the Dursleys wouldn't notice) and now lay wrapped in a blanket on the sofa, reading. Harry loved to read. No one had ever taught him how to read, as he did not go to school. His uncle had said harry was as useless as his good for nothing parents so what's was the point of going to school if he had no future anyway? No harry was much more use at home, cooking and cleaning. It didn't matter if freaks didn't go to school,because freaks don't matter. Not to anyone . The Dursleys couldn't send him anyway, this Harry knew. They would get to many questions as to why harry was too small for his age, or why he was covered cuts, burns and bruises. Some of the nosy neighbors had once asked Aunt Petunia why harry didn't attend school and why he looked so ill. Aunt Petunia had said he had a disease which meant he was to ill to attend school and everyone believed her and no one ever questioned her again. Harry had wondered if he was too ill to go to school and asked his Aunt if it were true. For this Harry recieved an extra harsh beating for daring to ask a question and Aunt Petunia had spat "of course you have a disease it's called being an ungrateful, spiteful Freak!" And with this, Harry had never questioned it again, he knew he didn't deserve to go to school, he knew Freaks didn't matter. 

Harry had needed to be able to read though, so that he could read labels on cleaning products and cooking instructions, he certainly wasn't permitted to read enjoyable books. Tonight however, he read 'the hunchback of notre dame' 'beauty and the beast" and 'Alice in wonderland'. He found them covered in dust in dudleys second bedroom. Dudley hated  reading yet his relatives continued to give them to him for his birthday which Harry  considered a complete waste. Harry felt comfort in these books as he lay there, more comfortable than ever before. He soon drifted of to sleep with the belief that If Quasimodo could be accepted by the people of Paris, then maybe one day Harry could be accepted by his family and his life may just get a little better. 

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