A Rasp Breath

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"Truth or dare?" Gavin asked him, a policemen that Conan didn't recognize stood by him.
"Truth." The policemen answered and a mischievous smirk lit up on the detective's face.
"Would you fuck a robot?" Conan almost sighed from how idiotic the question was.
"C'mon Gavin, you've become predictable at this point."
"Just answer it!"
"All your questions are about androids."
"Not all of them..."
"The last few have. I thought you hate androids."
"I do!"
"Then what's up with your questions? Do you have a kink for robots?"
"Just answer my goddamn question, I answered yours!" Gavin was beginning to turn red. RK900 rolled his eyes.

That's it.

Just then, Conan walked into the room, pretending that he didn't hear anything. In reality, he came in because he didn't want to hear anything more. He wasn't really interested in what his partner had the hots for.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, gentlemen. May I borrow detective Reed?" He asked. Gavin's face was sweating at this point. The human detective looked into his icy eyes as if he committed a crime.

"N-No, you may not! We're busy! Can't you see that, dumbass?" Gavin growled, turning his head away and grabbing the empty, plastic cola bottle.

"We're leaving." Conan said firmly and grabbed the other end of the bottle, crushing it.

"Give it back!" The detective yelled through gritted teeth, pulling the bottle towards himself with all the force he could gather. Conan was still stronger and with some effort, he lifted the bottle up, into the air and out of Gavin's grasp. It was now above RK900's head. Detective Reed still uselessly tried to get it up, jumping up and down like a dog hopping at its owner for food.

"Please, do reconsider your decisions detective." Conan asked him, softly. His voice contained no sarcasm but Gavin still didn't take it too well.

RK900 moved his other arm up and within a few seconds, there was a bubbly crack as Conan crushed the bottle with a swift twist, causing the bottle to spit out a few drops of brown liquid. The red bottle cap hit the floor and rolled around Gavin's foot before turning around and laying motionlessly on the ground.

"Game over." The android announced and handed the bottle back to Gavin. The detective observed it then squished it in attempt to get it back to it's original shape. "Come on," he said as he tugged at the detective's fluffy, jacket hood and looked at him with a blank expression.

"What did you come here for, dipshit? You can't let two men play a game?" Gavin challenged him.
"I think it's highly inappropriate for you to play such game here." Conan confessed.
"Oh, you think I'm into you plastic freaks too?"
"Excuse me, detective, I'm not sure what this has to do with the context of our current conversation."

"You're just like that douchebag that thinks I've got an android kink."
"I have never stated anything of the sort."
"Then why the fuck did you watch me, huh? You into humans?" Gavin seemed desperate to put RK900 down (emotionally and physically), now that he figured out he was wrong.
"I am not 'into' anything, detective. I am merely a machine built to follow orders. I do not have an opinion or..." "Shut the fuck up! I know that you're onto something!" Perhaps he was changing the subject now. This was a great opportunity to tell Gavin about their next investigation! He would start talking about the evidence right away!

"Yes, I am, in fact..." RK900 began.
"See? You lied with all that opinion bullshit! You feel just as much as any human!" Conan looked very confused at Gavin's sudden outburst of fury.
"...I am 'onto' our future investigation. I have been reading through some of the evidence, and I know this case will be..." He explained and the detective's expression started to weaken. His cheeks were gently red not out of flustering now, but out of embarrassment.
"Fuck you!" Gavin howled and quickly moved away from him. Conan was fast to react, grabbing the detective's arm and pulling him closer, just like last time.
"We should focus on our next investigation!" Conan reminded him.
"Honestly, if I'd have a hot girl asking me to love her and leave my job, I'd prefer to go instead of shooting her and returning back to my useless work as if nothing happened." He wasn't in the mood to talk about it but, androids aren't supposed to have bad days. RK900 was curious as to whether Reed was talking in the context of investigations or android... liking. He tried to fit both into one sentence.

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