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I felt nothing but tension as I sat with my entire body pressed against the seat, my breathing tight and my eyes flickering every which way; from the gun, to Harry, to the winding road. I was scared for my life, I didn't know any of these people besides Harry. I left my phone and purse on the sidewalk, so I had no way of contacting anyone. I prayed that Cody would get worried and try to get a hold of me somehow, or at least go to my apartment — crap, he didn't know where I lived. Neither did Liam, unless he looked at my resume, which was probably lost in a filing cabinet somewhere.

We had now driven for a good half hour to forty-five minutes. I didn't recognize where we were, and I worried we were going to get into Queens, or even Manhattan depending on the direction.

"Did you text Benny?" The guy driving spoke, and Harry nodded his head, lifting his leg to set it on the dashboard.

"Yeah, told him we'd be there in like, forty-five minutes."

An hour and a half I had to be stuck in this far with them? With a gun pointed at me? Might as well kill me.

I watched the driver glance at me in the rear view mirror, smirking as he asked, "So, what's your name, sweetheart?"

I cringed, not wanting to answer him. Harry looked at me through his peripheral vision, as if awaiting an answer, but I didn't want to give it to them.

"Silent type, huh?" He said, and I refrained from rolling my eyes. "Suit yourself."

After another half hour or so, we began entering a sketchier neighborhood. I felt my heart race as we passed run-down houses with overgrown yards and beat-down fences.

"Benny said Isis just got back," Harry announced, and the guy holding the gun beside me chuckled and said, "Well, this should be fun."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, terrified to meet this woman. We pulled down a different street, and not long after that, we pulled into then gravel driveway of an industrial-looking home and drove around to the back. The driver shut the car off and he hopped out while Harry grabbed yet another gun from the glove compartment. He got out and rounded the van to my side, pulling me out and dragging me towards the house. I felt the gun poke my back, right below my right shoulder blade, and I sucked in a breath as I followed behind the two men into the building.

It was dark and stuffy, you could see the dust particles floating in the few streams of sunlight that peeked through the windows.

Harry led me through the kitchen and into the living room, shoving me towards the couch and ordering me to sit.

Another man came downstairs, and I immediately recognized him as Benny, the guy who wanted to mug me before Harry told him to back off.

"Holy shît," he said when he laid eyes on me. "Harry, it's one thing to mug someone, but to kidnap them? Didn't know you had it in you."

"It's a long story," Harry said with an eye roll. "Where's Isis?"

"Showering," he said. "I just finished cleaning the blood trail she left through the entire fûcking place."

"What did she do?" The driver of the van asked.

"Just a small scuffle," Benny said. "Probably a drug deal gone wrong, I don't know, I didn't care enough to ask. More importantly, why'd you bring Miss Goody-Two-Shoes here?"

I frowned, hating that they were talking about me as if I wasn't sitting right here. Harry sighed and stuffed his gun into the holder on his jeans and said, "She witnessed me kill the dealer that fûcked me over — she works at a fûcking law firm, I wasn't about to let her walk away after witnessing everything."

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