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"So, have you lived in New York all your life?" Cody asked me as we walked through Cadman Plaza Park. We had just finished some amazing pizza and had about twenty minutes left of our lunch break, so we were headed back to the firm.

"I was actually born in New Jersey," I said. "Then my mom and I moved to Manhattan."

"Is it just you and your mom then?" He asked. "Sorry if that's too personal."

"No, no, it's okay." I assured him. "I have an older sister. She lives in the Upper East Side. Fancy job, fancy apartment, fancy boyfriend. She's a few years older than me, so she left for college before we moved to Manhattan."

I didn't really like talking about my dad, so thankfully he didn't try to bring it up. He left before I was born and my sister was pretty young, so she doesn't remember him. My mom never talked about him, so I just never asked.

We talked a little more about our families until we reached the firm, and somehow, Liam managed to accumulate an enormous pile of paperwork over the course of the forty-five minutes I was gone, so I had to say goodbye to Cody so I could get started.

"I'll see you around, Mimi." He smiled, and left the office since he didn't need to do work with Liam today.

I got started on faxing the important documents, and I noticed Liam approach the desk and rummage through the candy bowl. "So, how's Cody?" He asked, a tiny smirk appearing on his face.

"He's very nice." I stated, meeting his eyes only momentarily because I knew what he was referring to.

"He's very smitten." He teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, please," I said. "He's just being friendly, and that's it."

"Mhm." he smiled, and went back to his office. I simply shook my head with a subtle smile as I felt the blush appear on my cheeks. I returned my focus to the paperwork, seeing a few cases that Liam was potentially going to take on. One of them caught my eye, and it was a woman who was arrested for drug charges, but claims she was wrongfully accused and the actual offender hasn't been caught.

I loved cases like this, where there's a little bit unsolved. Those are the ones you have to fit together like puzzle pieces, and a lot of it is a mind game. Lots of psychology and analyzing goes into it; I really hoped Liam would take this case, because then I'd get to see more of it. I doubted that he would, because of how little information was already given, it'd be like setting himself up for failure. There's really no proof that the woman was wrongfully accused besides her own word, so Liam would have to be extremely brave to take the case.

Towards the end of the day, I began gathering my things and organizing the desk so it'd be clean for me on Monday. I heard the sound of sirens pass a few streets over, and sighed, wishing I could go one day without hearing sirens on my walk home.

I said goodbye to Liam, going through the same conversation about safety and keeping my phone unlocked on his number so I could feel safer.

There weren't that many people on the streets since it was about to rain, and I could've  asked Liam for a ride, but I didn't think the rain would come this quickly. I picked up my pace, seeing my apartment come into view and I began digging in my purse for my keys.

Suddenly, a man grabbed my purse as I passed an alley, and I fought against him so he couldn't take it. "Get away from me!" I said, and kept backing up but keeping a strong grip on my bag.

"Just hand it over, stop fûcking fighting —,"

"Hey, man, leave her alone."

I heard that familiar voice and suddenly my attacker let go. I immediately clutched my bag to my chest, looking up to see that same man with the bright green eyes and intimidating features leaning against the brick wall of the building next to mine. He shook his head at his friend and said, "She doesn't have anything we want."

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