5. Tea

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Another way to boost my mood is when I'm drinking any kind of tea. I'm not talking about milk tea (that's another way though to make yourself happy), but the one dipped into a hot water. Any flavor would be fine depends on what you like. As long as you like how it tastes then try drinking such.

I assume that we all know that tea contains antioxidants which protects your body from any damage from pollution and keeping yourself young. Aside from that, it gives a lot of health benefits which helps you to live long and boosts more of your immune system.

Not only those abovementioned benefits, here's more relevant detail why tea can make you feel happier. Based from what I read, by drinking tea may reduce your anxiety and calms us because of so called theanine. This theanine increases the number of inhibitory neurotransmitters (which balance our moods out) and modulates serotonin and dopamine (which makes make us feel good).

I personally experienced that on how tea made me feel better after a long cry and/or having exhausting day. My mind was wide awake and urging me to do productive things, redirecting my emotions to focus over important stuff. That would be nice, right? You are helping yourself to heal from any negative emotions that you have been feeling.

Currently, I'm obsessed with pure camomile tea and green tea. Those are my favorite go-to tea everytime my anxiety attacks or I just don't feel good. Next time, I'll try different tea so that I would have other options as well and just exploring life.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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