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The Next Week- Killian's POV

"Love, it'll be fine." I said, squeezing Regina's hand as we walked to Granny's diner. I could tell she was worried about telling everyone about our relationship and our daughter. It was all in her eyes.

Branna seemed to have taken a liking to Emma. Branna told her to keep me and Regina's relationship and the fact that we had a daughter a secret for now. They were meeting us at Granny's today, along with Emma's parents and Henry. Things with Branna were getting better too. She was talking to us at least. I could tell things were still a bit rocky... and would most likely be for awhile, but in time it would get better.

Regina looked up at me, worry evident in her expression. I pulled her into an alleyway and out of broad daylight.

Once we were out of view from any passerby's, I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around Regina's waist and kissed her. Slow and passionate. Making sure she knew that I cared. Her lips were soft, and god did they feel good against mine.

I felt Regina slide her hands up from where they rested on my arms, up to my jaw, tracing it lightly, as our lips moved together.

Just before we both pulled away, due to the lack of oxygen, I felt Regina smile into the kiss. It warmed my heart that I calmed her nerves.

After pulling away, I hugged Regina tightly. "Better, baby?"


"Thought so. I love you so much, Regina." I kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, Killy."

I smirked and walked forward , Regina still in my arms, pushing her back against the wall of the alleyway. I started kissing her neck, my hands traveling south to her hips.

"Killian, we're going to be late!"

"Mmhmm." My voice was muffled in her neck.

"And we're outside!" She protested, though the shake in her voice told me that she wanted to.

"Mmhmm" I repeated, finding it slightly amusing that I could tell that she wasn't believing a word she was saying.

Regina's POV-

I had to admit, he was turning me on. But we had to get to Granny's.

"Killy, seriously. We have to go.... and besides we just did this last night."

"Okay, beautiful." He pouted at me.

I laughed and grabbed his hand, leading him out of the alleyway.

We arrived at Granny's a few minutes later. Snow, David, Branna, Emma and Henry were already there, standing around the counter.

I made eye contact with Branna, who was standing quite close to Emma. Then I looked over to Henry. Would he hate me even more when he found out about my other family, Killian and Branna? What if he wanted to come home but now he thinks that I'm replacing him. Oh no...

"It's okay. You can do this." Killian whispered softly in my ear. It was like he could hear my thoughts. I nodded, mentally noting to thank him for being so supportive, and walked forward to where the group was at the counter.

"Hi mom". Henry said, looking right at me.

I smiled genuinely at him. "Hello, Henry."

Killian moved beside me, holding my hand underneath the table.

"So, What is it?" Snow asked.

"Well," I began, trying to keep the bitterness toward Snow out of my voice. "Killian and I are together and this is our daughter, Branna." I gestured toward my daughter.

I looked around to see everyone's reactions. Snow and David's jaw were dropped slightly. Henry was grinning... which warmed my heart, knowing that he was okay with all this.

"Really?" Henry asked excitedly.

"Yes, lad." Killian answered for me.

"That's great, Regina!" Snow said, surprising me.

We all talked for a bit more about Branna's background, until Emma said, "Um, guys, Branna and I have something to say."

We all turned our attention to the two. I watched Emma take a deep breath.

Branna spoke next. "Emma and I... we're together. I love her."

Now it was my turn for my jaw to drop. Before anything else, what went through my mind was, Emma better not break her heart.

"Cool!" Henry said. I was surprised he didn't ask questions... but then again he was 12.

"You are?" David asked, shocked.

Emma nodded.

"Wow, Uh, that's great! Since when?" Snow asked.

"Um, last week." Branna replied. "But that doesn't make it any less real."

"I wouldn't think that it would."

Around half an hour went by when Killian whispered in my ear again. "Isn't it odd. We have our own little family. You and me?"

I smiled, turning to face Killian. That moment was just perfect. I knew that there would be problems we'd have to face, but it was nothing we couldn't handle, and right now was perfect.

"Yeah, I guess so."

The End

Thank you so much for reading!! I hope you liked it!! :) :) Any ideas for another HookedQueen fanfic? I'm fine with AU's btw. :)

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