Daughter of Darkness

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Enchanted Forest- 2 years before the dark curse-

She tasted rum on his mouth. The pregnancy had been difficult for both of them. First it was the thought of something as pure and innocent as a child entering the Evil Queen's and Captain Hook's lives. They both knew they weren't ready, and in all honesty, they weren't sure they wanted something... someone, that would finalize a commitment to each other and going down the road of redemption. And then it was the sudden realization that even if they did want this baby, which a part of them buried deep down did, they would have to try to be better, they would have to give up the darkness, take down their walls... and be there for someone. Be good for someone... because they were not fit to be parents. Maybe in another world, but right there, at that moment, this was not the case, and so this is why Killian Jones and Regina Mills decided to send their child to another realm. To give them their best chance.

The Queen pulled away from her pirates mouth, sighing as she realized that he'd went to the tavern to 'clear his thoughts' instead of to his ship, like he said he would. She wasn't mad, though. Perhaps it was the fact that she was very pregnant, and extremely nervous...or maybe the guilt of what she was going to do, once her child was born, that distracted her from Killian's stress drinking and dishonesty.

Regina rested her head on Killian's shoulder, leaning into him slightly. He wrapped both of his strong arms around her, comfortingly, knowing that this was difficult for her. The two were normally fire and fire, feeding off each others flame, but since Regina got pregnant, they had discovered a gentleness and more loving side of themselves.

He kissed the top of her head, glad she wasn't looking at his eyes, for they were riddled with pain and guilt... and despite his best attempts to keep them at bay, tears.

A horrible scream filled the air and Regina clamped a hand on her large baby bump. Her face was contorted in pain and they both knew what was happening; the baby was coming.

A Couple Hours Later (cause I don't know sh*t about birth, lol)

A baby's cries filled the cold castle walls, creating a hollow sort of echo. Regina collapsed backwards onto the bed and Killian brought their little daughter up, wrapped tightly in a deep purple blanket, and placed the newborn in her mother's arms. The new parents just stared down at their little creation. Wisps of raven colored hair were already formed on the baby's head, her mothers' trait. And her eyes were exact copies of her fathers' ; ocean like, and entirely too easy to get lost in. The moment was bittersweet though, for the pair knew that they would have to let her go, to give her, her best chance.

Killian moved his gaze off the small child, now contentedly cooing, with an outstretched arm and a tiny hand clamping onto the pirate's chin. Both pirate and Queen, could very much feels their hearts melting for this little girl.

His eyes now settled upon his Queen's exhausted face, and the tears already forming in her eyes, as she realized just how hard this was going to be. But time healed wounds...right?!

Killian bent down a little, after the little one took her hand off her father's chin and stuffed it inside her mouth, and kissed Regina's soft lips. He lingered there, lips hovering right over her's before bringing his mouth back down to her's. He felt tears on his neck as she buried her face into it, the baby between them.

"Branna." Killian whispered, not for any purpose but the sensitivity of the situation.

Regina looked at him, before he continued, "It- it's Irish... means beauty with hair as dark as a raven." Killian gestured to Regina's own head and noticed the small, weak, but appreciative smile across his lovers' face.

With a slight wave of her aching hand (from being clenched so hard during labor), Regina made the name 'Branna Jones' appear in cursive writing on the blanket. The Queen and Pirate took another moment just to admire their little creation, before each planting a kiss to its head.

"Regina," Killian started softly, now standing up, "we have to, let her go... before we become too attached."

Regina looked up at him, tears welled up in her deep brown eyes, before she nodded and, with one last glance to her only daughter, her little Branna, she handed Killian the blanket-wrapped child.

He turned and carried the newborn into the more open space of the room and reached into his pocket. When his hand re-emerged, holding a little shimmery bean, he gave a final kiss to his little girl and threw the bean, opening a portal. Where it would take her, he didn't know. He just had a feeling that it would do what was best.

Hiya! Hoped you liked that chapter! I was looking forever for an Irish baby girls name that had something to do with Regina as well. And then I found it! Branna. So in Storybrooke I'd say Branna is maybe 30, 31? I was thinking of making her go to Neverland and then I'm like duh, she wouldn't be able to be 30 if she lived there, since you can't grow up. *facepalm*. Anyways she grows up... somewhere, somewhere indeed. :) ;)

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