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Regina's POV

I shot forward and hugged the younger women,  my daughter. My little Branna. In the brief moment she allowed me to hug her I noticed several little black burnt spots on her jacket, presumably places she stubbed out cigarettes. It want long before she pushed me back, and I felt my eyes start to burn with tears. She was right here. I had my daughter at last... but I couldn't help but think back to what she had just said I'm not the little innocent bundle of joy you abandoned in Wonderland anymore.

Honestly, she didn't look innocent at all, even in my, her mother's, eyes. Her eyes, I remember them clearly, look different. Pained. I could tell that she had a history, that would not of happened if me and Killian had kept her. I immediately recognized the loneliness, the brokenness, in her soul, because, like her father, it showed in those eyes.

She stared at me, and I could almost feel her anger. I wanted to invite my daughter inside, tell her why Killian and I gave her up, make up for the 30 years I missed, tell her I love her... but something about the glint in her eyes, told me it was best to let her speak for now.

And she did speak. "Because of you, I had no one to let me know when I was being stupid or rash. I didn't have parents, a mum, to let me know that men are pigs and not to trust people! Because of you I had my heart broken! And then I was alone! Because of you I'm this!"

I stared at her. Oh god, I ruined her life. She was in pain because of me. I'm such a bad mother. I wish Killian was here. I need to tell him.

"I'm so sorry. But I think what's best would be for us, me you and your father, to just talk." I said quietly.

"Talk? You want us to talk? God, why did I come here. I'll just go back to my shitty life." With that, Branna turned and poofed away with magic.

She had magic? Oh god... she had to figure out magic by herself... I wasn't there to help her. With anything. And now she was gone.... maybe she didn't leave? I just need to talk to Killian. We need to put aside our stupid arguments and get our daughter back.

I wiped away some tears that were on my cheeks and closed the door to my house. I texted Killian, (in our 3 weeks together recently, I showed him how to use a phone).

Regina: Hey. We need to talk, I have something to tell you. Can you come over?

It didn't take him long at all to reply.

Killian: Of course. Is something wrong?

Regina: I'll just explain when you get here.

Killian: Okay.

Killian: Regina, do you hate me?

Of course I didn't. Yes, I was mad at him... but I would always love him .

Regina: No, of course not. Do you still love me?

Oh god. What would he say? What if he didn't? I just wanted to be with him.

Killian: Of course I do. I love you Regina Mills. I'll be there in 5 minutes and then I can show you how much ;)

Regina: As much as I would love to, we have something serious to discuss. :/

Killian: Okay, but soon. Soon I'll show you. Don't stress out, love. I'll be there soon. <3

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