Chapter 1 - Heels and, windows?

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The clocks ticking down, we already told my dad about the marriage. He wasn't the happiest person in the world, but he wasn't mad. Which was a relief. He congratulated us and had a 'talk' with Jasper. I was in the other room laughing when that was happening.

A few weeks past and Bella finally tells him, actually it's more like, she hands him the invention, and him just being really confused.

But Bella and I agreed on one thing, we're having a type of, twin, wedding. We never really have anything in common, or do anything together, so we're doing this as our last humanly twin thing together.

Right now Bella is trying to learn how to walk in heels outside with Alice. Me, on the other side, already mastered the art if heel walking, 4 years ago. But Alice being Alice, us making me walk in heels too.

So I'm walking around, while Bella us stumbling. Bella is on a flat surface, while I'm in the dirt. Bella stumbles again. "Um, you just have to break them in." Alice says to her.

"I've been breaking them in, for 3 days. Can't I go bare foot?" Bella asks. I laugh a little at that. "No! Absolutely not." Alice says sternly at Bella. "I was just thinking it's a little much, you know. The dress and the shoes... all this." Bella says.

I look around at everything. "It's a wedding Bella, it's suppose to be like this, the day we remember for the rest of our live." I tell her. Jasper and Carlisle come out of the forest, carrying hand made log benches. I walk over to Jasper and kiss his cheek. then I hear Alice saying, "Exactly!"

Jasper , smirks, and kisses my forehead, then keeps walking with the bench. I walk back over to Bella and Alice. "Tomorrow, will be perfect." Alice says. Then Emmet comes out of the forest, "Where do ya want them boss." he asks.

"On either side of the aisle." Alice instructs. Wait, what aisle? "What aisle?" Rosalie asks. "Does no one have vision!?" Alice demands. That, is probably the most, ironic thing she has ever said.

Bella switches her shies, and was looking at something, or should I say someone. She was looking at Edward, shocking *sarcasm*

Then Alice pops up again. "You two, go home, and get some beauty sleep. That's an order." Alice tells us, but was mainly looking at Bella. Bella nods and hugs her, then I hug her. And with that I wave at the others, and we went home.

I look around my room, most of my stuff was in boxes. I look in one of the boxes, to see all my music stuff. on the top was one of the songs I've made. (sorry not saying just yet ;-) ) I felt a slight breeze suddenly, and I put the music back in the box, and turn around.

Jasper looks at me and smiles. "I wanted to check up on you. You ok?" he asks. I smile, "I'm fine, a little nervous, but fine." I tell him, honestly. I look at what he was wearing, he was wearing a blazer. I gave him a sort of confused look. "oh, Emmet is making Edward and I, have a bachelor party." he explains.

I nod, and hug him. He tries to kiss me, but I turn my head, and he kisses my cheek. He gives me a confused look. "You have to wait till tomorrow." I say in a singing teasing way. He just smirks.

Then someone jumps on my window, I look to find Emmet. " Come on, I'm going to need help to get Edward away from Bella." he says with a cheeky smile, then jumps down.

I laugh and push Jasper a little towards the window. "Have fun." I tell him. He smirks, kisses my cheek, and jumps down. I wave at them and close my window. I turn of my light and climb into bed.

I look at my room once again, then sigh. I close my eye, then drift of to a calm sleep.


Hello readers.... I really need a nickname for you guys, any suggestions?

Well any who, who felt amazing when the received their invitation?

Well this is the beginning of everything! hope you like it! :-)




Lots of luv ~ snowflake

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