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Group chat (minus girls!)

Luke: all ready for our trip to London guys? Remember to be ready and packed by the morning cos we've got a quick flight
Luke: security has been sorted
Luke: but we won't be able to stop for fans

Ash: ah man 😩

Mikey: no one will know we're going though
Mikey: so that should make it easier

Ash: yeah I'm looking forward to it and for you all to meet Katie
Ash: hopefully everything will work out between us

Luke: I'm looking forward to meeting both the girls

Calum: *girl
Calum: Ellie can't go

Ash: what?!?

Calum: yh I'd thought that'd get ur attention

Mikey: woah Calum calm down what's wrong?

Calum: nothin

Luke: what's going on ash?

Ash: I don't know!

Calum: of course not playin dumb as always

Luke: Calum what are you going on about?
Luke: we can't be fighting whilst we go on this trip

Mikey: yeah come on guys is it that bad?

Calum: it's fine I won't go either

Luke: don't be stupid

Ash: cal what is this even about? Let's talk this out!

Calum: ur best friend
Calum: the 1 who tells u everything bt doesn't tell it to me

Ash: is this about Ellie?

Mikey: i sense jealousy

Calum: shut it Michael
Calum: yes it is
Calum: bearing in mind u talk 2 her everyday I'm surprised u couldn't guess sooner

Ash: wow
Ash: Calum she only spoke to me to try and sort things out with you
Ash: I spoke to her when she'd been upset by Katie
Ash: we're just friends
Ash: are you the reason she isn't going now?
Ash: did you upset her?

Calum: y don't u go and ask her
Calum: it's all cos of that stupid moron ur speaking 2

Ash: hey don't talk about Katie like that

Calum: after everything she did 2 Ellie u still want 2 c her

Ash: surely that's my choice?
Ash: Ellie understood

Calum: cos she's manipulated by her 2
Calum: am I the only sane 1 here?!

Luke: cal you need to calm down
Luke: sort this out like adults
Luke: or none of us are going

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