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Calum: Hey Ash

Ashton: Cal. Sorry about everything man. Honestly I didn't mean to get involved.

Calum: It's ok. I jus wanted it 2 b kept quiet & suddenly it was out there
Calum: Well its finished now

Ashton: She spoke with me again just now.

Calum: What?

Ashton: Please don't hate me. She text me first.

Calum: Ur telling me bcoz? U want 2 rub it in my face?

Ashton: no! Not at all!
Ashton: Your ex is involved
Ashton: She has just jumped in there and screwed everything up for you man I'm so sorry

Calum: wot r u talking about?!

Ashton: hold on
Ashton: *sends screenshots*
Ashton: I checked the number against the one on my phone. It's her.

Calum: ...
Calum: wot the hell?!?!
Calum: Y is she threatenin Ellie?

Ashton: dunno man
Ashton: but it really scared her
Ashton: she only just told me and now I feel bad for shouting at her

Calum: u shouted at her?

Ashton: sorry man. I hate to see you upset. It was killing me.
Ashton: I basically told her she should be talking to you instead of caring about herself

Calum: I'll 4giv u if she does
Calum: but thnx 4 helpin
Calum: I mite b able 2 fix this

Ashton: I hope so
Ashton: she seems nice

Calum: thnx man
Calum: I'll let u no

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