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Unknown: who is this?

Me: erm I'm assuming this isn't anyone I know?

Unknown: just answer the question. Who are you??

Me: my name is Elisha

Unknown: well you'd better watch your step Elisha. I'm watching you...

Me: may I ask who you are?

Unknown: calums girlfriend. I've read your messages to him. Stay in your lane.

Me: woah okay
Me: look we're just friends so don't worry

Unknown: yeah that's what they all say. Unknown: Anyway, if you mention this to him you'll be sorry. Just know I'm keeping an eye on you.

Me: so why did you have to ask who I was?
Me: If you were watching me over the last few weeks you'd know my name.

Unknown: Calum doesn't have you saved under your name in his phone. That's why I began to get suspicious. I saved your number to my phone to speak to you myself.

Me: oh okay then. Well sorry I made you feel uneasy, just was talking to a friend. I'll back off.

Unknown: I knew you were a clever one, not like the others.

Me: just count me as a forgotten memory

Unknown: don't stop talking completely or he'll get suspicious. Just watch what you type.

Me: damn you send mixed messages
Me: I'm just going to carry on then.
Me: tbh I'm sure he's allowed to talk to who he wants without someone interrogating them on another phone

Unknown: watch yourself lady

Me: just saying he's a grown adult who can text who he likes. You have no right to be checking his phone.

Unknown: I'm deleting this conversation from my phone.
Unknown: you will do the same
Unknown: as I said don't you dare mention this to him
Unknown: or I'll ruin you.
Unknown: goodbye Elisha

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