Chapter 1: The News part 1

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"I don't know WHAT you were thinking walking out of the house looking like THAT" , I spat at my newest victim. Some Plain Jane with faded jeans that hung unattractively loosely on her boring body. "I honestly don't know why you're HERE! This is an academy for the GLAMOROUS; NOT the ugly!"

"Maybe she's here on a scholarship" my partner in crime, Sadie, snickered next to me. I laughed too and pushed Nameless Loser No. 215 out of the way as I walked to my locker with my cheer squad in step. I don't bother learning names as you can see. It's a waste of time if you're a nobody anyway!

I'm sure you know this (who doesnt?!), but my name is Kara De Léon. I have wavy blonde hair that I keep perfectly styled, a slender body due to my hours of dedication in the gym, and I'm second ranked in the state of California for my amazing grades. Beauty, brains, brawn, and riches: can I get any better?

"Kara, are you coming to the party Zach is throwing tonight", Jade, the biggest gossip, asked me.

"DUH, Jade! He's my BOYFRIEND, you idiot" I hissed, rolling my eyes at her stupidity. My squad all laughed at how stupid she can be as well.

"Well, jeez I just wanted to know! But I heard from Kenzie who heard from Jenna who heard from Emily who heard from-"

"JUST TELL ME" I cut her off.

"Anyway, Jane Grier said that your parents were fired today from the studio."

"WHAT?! OMG! Where's Jane?! That's the stupidest lie I've ever heard!"

"Jane is in Science with Mrs. Gerald."

"Bye Jade," I replied. "Go on girls. I'll be back."

They all said their different goodbyes as they walked off.

Time to handle business. Kids, you might not want to read the next part, because things WILL get catty! You're going down, Jane!

A/n- I know this sucks but please keep reading it gets better I promise.

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