Untitled Part 4

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"Baby?" I heard Corey ask me quietly. I groaned. My body hurts from the many wonderful times we were together last night. My arm though, holy fuck balls, does it hurt today. I looked up at him and he smiled, propped up on his elbow in the bed.

"Hey. I've gotta leave for a bit and hit the studio with Shawn. Sid will be here in about a half hour. Gonna get some clothes on?" He grinned.

"No." I grumbled. He laughed.

"Yeah? Not sure I'm ok with Sid seeing you naked babe." He smiled. I looked at him and grinned. I was going to say something and decided against it. I just grinned at him.

"He has seen you naked, hasn't he?" He smirked.

"It is definitely not what you are thinking. I can promise you that." I told him. He grinned.

"Now you have to tell me. Can't leave me hanging." He smiled. I felt my face get red already. He laughed more. "It's a good story too, isn't it?" He laughed. I sighed and looked at him.

"So me, Sid and Marco had a drinking contest one night at Sid's house. We are all drunk, I mean fucking three sheets to the wind drunk. Anyways, I apparently puked on myself that night. I'm talking all down the front of me. My clothes are disgusting, and I am having a hell of a time getting them off of me. So, Sid helps me get out of my puked on clothes. Well, my dumbass should of stopped at pants and shirt. Nope. I took the rest off then tried to take a shower on my own. Sid had to stand in the shower and hold my dumbass up so I could finish my shower. He kept his clothes on while he stood there with his eyes closed most of the time. Marco walks in about then, looks at us, shakes his head and walks back out. Sid is like covering his eyes as he is helping me out. I get a towel on me and decided to wash my clothes. Sid keeps dumping more and more laundry soap in the washer, and I'm standing there letting him do it. He turns it on, and about ten minutes later, the whole front hallway is nothing but foam. Oh, and Sid never got dry clothes on. We couldn't figure out where it was coming from in our drunken stupor, so we played in the foam for a while. Me in a towel, Sid still in wet clothes, and Marco passed out in the foam. The three of us vowed to never drink together again." I told him. He's laughing so hard he cant breathe.

"I can see all of this happening. Oh my God I wish I could of seen it!" He laughed. I giggled at him as he wiped my eyes.

"Those two couldn't make eye contact with me for about two months after that. I couldn't look Sid in the eyes for about six months. Marco only caught a glimpse, so I got over that quick." I grinned. He can't stop laughing at me.

"When the hell was this?" He laughed.

"About a year ago." I laughed. He is wiping his eyes as he calms down. He smiled at me.

"That made my day." He smiled. I laughed and nuzzled his chest. He held me close to him. "You are making this impossible for me to leave." He sighed, not moving.

"Mmmhmm." I said. "My arm hurt so bad today." I said.

"Aww! Babe, let's see it." He said. I moved so he could look at it and he frowned. "Jesus. It's like black and blue." He said. I nodded as he carefully laid my arm down.

"Don't take offense to this, but you need to heal up before, uh.." He trailed off grinning.

"We have mind blowing sex?" I finished. He cracked up laughing and nodding.

"Yes. It may kill me in the meantime." He smiled at me.

"No shit, me too." I said. He smiled and kissed me softly.

"Seven times? We really did it seven times?" He asked me amazed.

"I was hoping for ten, but I'll take seven." I smiled. We both laughed.

"Uh huh. Come on. Get some clothes on." He grinned.

"Wanna help me in the shower?" I grinned. He looked at me painfully and groaned.

"Damn! Babe, you testing me or what?" He grinned. I smiled and walked to the bathroom naked. "Not fair!" He yelled to me. I laughed and got my shower. By the time I got done, Sid was there talking to Corey. Sid looked at my arm and cringed.

"Damn! That looks worse than yesterday." He said.

"Hurts more than yesterday too." I said. I saw Corey look over at Orco's cage to avoid my eyes.

"Nothing is broke though?" Sid asked, worried.

"No. I'm ok. Just sore, but I'll live." I told him. He nodded. Corey looked at me and grinned.

"I'll be back later." Corey said to me. I smiled and nodded. He leaned down and kissed me quick.

"Uh huh. Your arm is sore because you two were fucking all night." Sid said to us.

"Just half of the night." I smiled at Sid. Him and Corey laughed.

"On that note, I'm leaving. Bye babe." Corey smiled as he left. Sid is smirking at me.

"I knew that was happening soon." He grinned.

"Why is that?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Damn. Evie, you gotta stop working all the time. Jesus woman. He has checked you out since the first time he met you. He always asked about you, tried talking to you. You were just too busy working." Sid told me.

"He only said hi or bye to me. Then stood talking to you whenever he came in." I grinned.

"Yeah, hoping you'd come over and talk to us." He grinned.

"Well why the hell didn't you tell me?" I laughed.

"Honestly? For a few years he was drinking pretty heavily and I really didn't want you having to deal with that. He's not the nicest when he drinks. He's mean, says shit he doesn't mean. He's not violent or anything, just a major asshole. He's been sober for over a year now, and he's totally different. Now, I'm ok with you guys seeing each other. I wasn't before." He told me.

"Well, I'm glad he's sober now. You know I wouldn't put up with that either." I told him. He grinned and nodded.

"I know. I'll break his fucking legs if he's mean to you." He smiled. I laughed and hugged him.

"How are you feeling after all that shit with the cops last night?" He asked seriously. I sighed and sat down.

"Not good. Those women? I feel terrible for them. I was only lucky because you guys were there. They didn't have anyone, and now their lives won't be the same." I told him.

"I know. I feel terrible it happened. I wish I could screen people before they even step foot in my place. I hired security for both inside and outside the club. I should of a long time ago." He said.

"It's not your fault either Sid. This guy is fucked up." I told him.

"Mick is gonna be pissed when I tell him." He sighed.

"You blame him?" I asked. He shook his head. "When are you going to tell him?"

"Soon. Just not sure exactly when, but soon." He sighed.

Sid and I spent the day watching movies and eating junk food. I love hanging out with him. We laugh about anything and everything. He's always been easy to talk to, and in the three years I've known him, he knows more about me than anyone in my life.

Corey came back later that evening and grinned at us. Sid and I are laying on the couch, junk food is all over the place, and I feel slightly nauseated from all of it.

"I'm heading out. I need real food." Sid laughed as he got up. He kissed my head and waved at Corey.

"I need real food. I'm gonna barf if I don't eat something besides sugar." I told him.

"Good. I already have something being delivered. Good fucking god! You guys ate all this shit?" He laughed as he looked at all the wrappers. I nodded.

"Besides the sugar overload, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Better. Can't wait to be all the way better. I'm going to be so out of shape when I go back to my classes." I groaned.

"What classes?" He asked. I grinned.

"Aerial dancing." I said watching his smile grow wide.

"You fucking with me?" He smiled. I shook my head and laughed. "No shit?"

"Yeah for about two years." I told him.

"I have to see this." He smiled.

"I bet you do." I laughed. He laughed and nodded. "I have stuff in the garage set up for it, but there is no way I can do anything right now." I told him.

"Fuck." He sighed. "Is it bad that I'm already turned on thinking about it?" He laughed. I giggled and shook my head.

"Nope." I smiled. About then my phone rang. I hit accept.

"Hi Dad." I said.

"Yeah. I just got off the phone with Sid. When in the free fucking hell were you gonna call and tell me?" My dad barked at me. I groaned.

"Why the hell is Sid calling you?" I asked him. Goddammit Sid!

"Because he knows you won't. Why are you alone?" My dad asked.

"I'm not dad. Someone is with me." I grinned at a smiling Corey.

"Uh huh. Sid said ya got a boyfriend. About damn time." My dad said. I giggled a little and put him on speaker phone.

"How is the battle with the squirrels going dad?" I grinned.

"Those little sons of bitches keep stealing the bird seed! I can't shoot em, but doesn't mean I won't fuck with em." My dad laughed. Corey is covering his mouth with his hand.

"Yeah? Gonna send me some more videos?" I asked.

"I will tonight." My dad laughed. "Seriously, are you ok? Sid said you were pretty hurt."

"Brusies. I went to the doctor and nothing is broken. I'm just supposed to have someone with me for the next week so I don't like stroke out or some shit." I said. My dad laughed.

"Alright. I'll stop by towards the end of the week." My dad told me. "This guy you're seeing? He got half as many tattoos as Sid?"

"I've never counted Sid's tattoos, or Corey's. Pretty sure Corey has more." I grinned at Corey.

"Huh. Should be interesting. I'll talk to you later." My dad said hanging up. Corey is laughing.

"Your dad and Sid are buddies?" He asked.

"Yeah. Excuse me." I growled, getting up.

"Where ya goin?" Corey called after me as I walked out the front door. I crossed the street and marched up to Sid's house. I pounded on the door and he answered.

"What the fuck! You called my dad and told him?!" I yelled. He grinned nervously, and I heard Corey running up behind me.

"Evie, you wouldn't of told him and he asked how you were." He said cautiously. I glared at him. "Come on, Evie, you know I can't lie to him."

"Evie, I really don't think Sid was trying to cause a problem." Corey said. Sid's eyes got big at Corey and shook his head.

"Dude, she'll tear your head off." Sid grinned.

"I cannot believe you called him." I said. Sid looked at me with a pained expression.

"Please? Don't be mad ok? This is really serious. You know it is." Sid told me.

"You tell him the guy is a known rapist too?" I glared.

"I did leave that part out." Sid told me.

"You're fucking lucky you did. Frank would never go home then if you told him that." I snapped. Sid grinned at me. "Don't." I warned, trying not to smile.

"Oh yeah. Trying not to smile. I see it." He smiled more.

"You asshole." I laughed. Sid laughed and hugged me.

"I'm sorry. I like your family a lot. You know I worry." Sid told me. I sighed.

"I know. Sorry I snapped at you." I told him.

"Yeah, yeah. Go home. Rest, remember?" He told me. "I'll make it two fucking weeks Evie." He grinned. I laughed and turned to leave. "I mean it!" He called out as I waved at him.

We got back to my house just as the food came. We were sitting down eating when Corey smirked at me. "Still gonna kill Sid?" He asked.

"No. The little shit knows I won't stay mad at him." I grinned.

"How did you two become so close?" He asked. I laughed a little.

"I had lived here for about a year when he moved in. I didn't talk to him for a few weeks. One day I was coming home from a walk and he was whistling at me like a dog or something. I asked him if there was something wrong with just talking to me, he said no. He preferred whistling." I grinned, watching him laugh.

"I found him odd to say the least and told him as much. I didn't see him for a few days, and when I did, I had just lost my job at a bank. I came home and he was hanging outside his house with Jim. I was wiping my eyes as I got out. He ran up to me and asked what was wrong. For whatever reason, I told him. He talked me into coming over and having a beer with him and Jim. I talked with them for most of the night, and Sid offered me a job. I took it and he just kept coming around all the time even when I told him he was weird." I smiled. He chuckled and nodded.

"He has a huge heart. He really does. How did you lose your job?" He asked.

"The bank got bought out and my job was eliminated. I don't know how to not work. I had a severance package, but sitting at home doing nothing, no fucking way." I grinned. He smiled at me.

"Sounds like me." He laughed. I nodded. We finished eating, and laid on the couch watching movies all night. We settled down to sleep in my bed later that night, and I fell into a deep sleep. I wasn't dreaming of anything, which is odd for me.

I woke with a jump in the middle of the night to the sounds of glass breaking in the front room. Corey was already out of the bed and down the hall. I sat quietly listening for any other noises. My heart is pounding hard and I'm scared. Really fucking scared. I heard him come back down the hall.

"It was a brick through the window. Call the cops ok?" He asked. I nodded and called them. I grabbed a flannel and pulled it on over my tank top. Corey was pulling his clothes on. We didn't leave the bedroom or say anything until the police showed up. Corey did most of the talking when they come.

"Evie?" The officer asked. I was staring at my window, answering a ton of questions. I looked at him. "Can you look at something outside?" He asked.

Corey was already worried before we walked out even. When we got outside, I gasped. My car. My beautiful car. It's the one thing I love in this godforsaken shit hole called earth. I have a 1970 Ford Mustang Coupe, in candy apple red. It is my pride and joy, and also used to be my grandfather's car. Now, it sits with a cinder block through the windshield.

"My fucking car." I gasped. I felt my stomach drop and tears sprang to my eyes. "My fucking car!" I yelled. Corey put his arm around my waist.

"It can be fixed baby." He whispered in my ear. I am so fucking mad that I'm shaking.

A few hundred questions later, a copy of the police report for insurance purposes, the police left. It's almost four in the morning now. I can't go to sleep now and neither can Corey.

"Evie? Want me to call Sid?" He asked. I sat on the couch staring at the floor. I shook my head slowly. He sat next to me and sighed.

"It's that fucking guy. It has to be." I said to him. He nodded and held me against him. At some point, I finally fell asleep.

I woke later in bed, and heard voices in my front room. I got up and wrapped my flannel tighter around me, creeping down the hall quietly.

"Sid, this is fucked man. What the fuck is with this fucking guy?" Corey said.

"I don't know. He's a fucking psycho, obviously." Sid said.

"Man, I don't want to do this." Corey said. I felt my heart sink, and my nerves started going.

"What the fuck man? Seriously?" Sid asked.

"What?" Corey asked.

"Yeah, you're gonna have to help me with the fucking window. Damn, Taylor! I know it's physical labor and all." Sid said. I laughed to myself, realizing what they are talking about.

"Fine. Dammit." Corey grumbled.

"Hold this. No. Higher." Sid told him. I walked out seeing them replacing the window. "Fucking hell man! You suck at this." Sid laughed. Corey smiled and nodded at him. I leaned against the wall, watching them fix my window. All I could do was smile. 

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