Untitled Part 3

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"Hey. Eat some of this." Sid smiled shoving a container of chocolate chip ice cream in my hands as he came inside my house that night. I smiled and went to the kitchen with it.

"Hey man." Corey called out to Sid.

Corey and I had been playing Super Mario Brothers, and he was still on his turn. He paused the game. Sid looked at the scores and laughed.

"You won't win man. I think she knows everything about that game." Sid smiled. I walked back in and nodded. "See?" He laughed. Sid turned to me seriously.

"Evie, I went through the security tapes from last night. I got a close up of the guy, at least I think it's the right guy. I need you to tell me if it is. Will you look at this?" He asked, holding up a disk. I nodded. He got up and put it in the DVD player and hit play.

We sat watching this guy. He'd been close by me all night and I didn't realize it. When we sat at the bar talking, he was two seats down from us, staring in my direction for almost four fucking hours. I hadn't even noticed him or paid any attention.

When it shows me walking out the front doors, this guy looks at the direction I went, then slipped out the back door. The camera view outside shows him out back, going from one end of the building to the other, until he spots me. He hangs back in the shadows, but comes into view a moment later.

He's messing with something in his hands. I soon realized it was a knife. I gasped as I watched him put it back in his pocket. It goes to showing him kicking a can that I heard. Then it goes to us fighting and struggling.

It was Mick who pulled him off of me, and holy shit I never want that guy pissed at me! Mick threw this dude around like a ragdoll. Mick hit him a few times pretty fucking hard before the guys pulled him off of this Mike guy. I saw myself curled up with my head down against the wall of the building. I watched Corey approach cautiously, and well, we all know the rest. Sid shut it off and they both looked at me.

"Evie, that guy singled you out. He watched you all night, and he had a fucking knife. Don't hate me for this, but I need you to come with me to the police station. This has to be reported." Sid said to me. I groaned and looked at him.

"Ok. I don't want anyone else getting hurt." I squeaked out. He nodded. "Won't Mick get in trouble?" I asked them.

"Not when he was saving you from that asshole. I already talked to him. It's fine." Sid told me. He motioned for me to get up. I sighed and got my shoes on.

"That's really why he brought me ice cream." I told Corey. They both nodded and smiled at me.

"Let's go lovebirds." Sid grinned as we got up. Orco squeaked seeing us get up.

"Aww. Poor dude." He grinned petting him through the bars of the cage.

"Glad he doesn't bite me like he does Marco." Sid laughed. I giggled and nodded.

We got to the police station a while later and spoke to an officer. They photographed my arm and my neck. We sat while Sid played the video for them. The officer called in a detective to watch it. Once it was done, the officer and detective looked at each other worried.

"Evie, did he touch you like inappropriately?" The detective asked.

"Yeah. When he put his hands on me." I glared. Sid nudged me and glared.

"You mean like...sexually? No. God no." I said. The detective was relieved to hear this.

"That's good. Uh, damn. I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm not gonna bullshit you. This guy?" He asked pointing at the computer screen.

"He's a rapist. He's done this to about five other women. You're the only one who's gotten away so far." He told me quietly. I feel like throwing up.

"Oh my god." Corey said. "Don't you know where he is?"

"No. But we hope we catch him soon. Look, he has also followed some of these women he's assaulted around in like stores and things like that. We miss him by the time we get there. Be careful is what I'm saying. Don't be alone for a while. He comes around, call me." He said handing me his card. I nodded as we got up to leave.

We got out of the station, and I was already digging in Sid's front shirt pocket for his cigarettes. I lit one and tried to process the last twenty four hours. I stood smoking, none of us saying anything. What the fuck? All I wanted was some air. Those poor women. They didn't have someone like Mick to help them.

"Evie?" Sid asked quietly. I looked at him. "Let's get you home. Want me to call all the guys over to stay at your place tonight?" He grinned. I couldn't stop myself from laughing a little.

"No. It's ok. I don't have enough room for all of them." I grinned. He nodded. Corey looked at me with a pained expression on his face.

"Come on. We're locking your house down tighter than Fort Knox." Corey grinned. I grinned a little and got in the car.

When we got to my place, I watched him and Sid put nails in each window so they couldn't go up. They made sure everything was locked, set up escape plans for me, talked about who was staying with me when. I sat grinning at them. They looked at me finally.

"Sound ok?" Sid asked.

"I don't have a choice it sounds like." I smiled. They grinned and nodded. "It's fine. Thanks you guys."

"I'll be over in the morning. Call me if you need something. Keep an eye on her man." Sid grinned as he left.

I sat on the couch and put my face in my hands. I felt two hands gently pulling on my own away from my face. Corey looked at me worried.

"Are you ok? That was a lot to take in." He said. I can't stop the tears from falling.

"No. I'm not. Those women didn't have someone like Mick there. They didn't get to walk away with just bruises and shit. That will change them and be with them forever." I sobbed.

"I know. Come here." He whispered, pulling me against his chest. His arms held me tightly as I sobbed.

"I just wanted some air last night. I could see it in his eyes he had other intentions. He introduced himself as Mike and I turned to leave. I was scared." I sobbed. He kissed the top of my head while he held me.

"I know. I'm so glad you are ok. I'm glad we got there in time." He whispered.

I nodded, not letting go of him. He laid back on the couch, and I laid on his chest. I let the sound of his heart beating calm me down. He ran his fingers through my hair like they did last night, and I relaxed against him.

"I'm tired." I said, looking up at him. He nodded and grinned a little.

"This is gonna sound weird as fuck, but do you want-?" I can't even finish asking this. He laughed and nodded.

"To sleep in the bed with you? Yes. I'm not turning that down." He laughed as we got up. We walked to my room and I grabbed some shorts and a tank top. He smirked at me.

"I'm sleeping in my boxers." He grinned. I laughed and nodded, going to the bathroom to change. I got changed and brushed my hair, glancing at myself in the mirror. I look terrible with this shit on my neck. I sighed and shut the light off, heading back to my room.

Corey was already in my bed without his shirt on. Damn, I could look at him all the time like that. I grinned at him and got in next to him. He shut the lamp off and we laid there not touching or saying anything. I heard him laugh a little.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't believe Mick gave you a knife of all things." He laughed. I giggled.

"He doesn't seem like the flowers type." I said. He laughed harder.

"When he got married, his wife told him he had to have a flower on his suit or she wasn't marrying him." He laughed. I can see this in my head. She's a ballbuster. I've met her. Super nice, but she runs the show I think. I giggled.

"It was a great gift." I giggled.

"Uh huh. Until Marco gets stabbed." He laughed.

I laughed harder. Marco and I fight like two kids. He turned on his side, and so did I. Even in the dark room I can see him smiling at me. His hand moved over to hold mine, making me smile more.

"I know the last day has been pretty fucked up for you, and I'm sorry it has been. I really am." He said quietly as he gazed at me with that stare.

The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy, almost like there are twice as many as before. His thumb rubbed over my hand as he held it. His eyes haven't left mine, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest and ears.

"Sid said he was surprised you are letting anyone take care of you. I'm glad you are. I'm glad I'm here." He said. His hand moved slowly to tuck my hair over my ear. His fingers trailed down my bare shoulder lightly, moving slowly down my arm.

"You are?" I asked in a whisper. He nodded slowly, his thumb running lightly over my lips.

"Yeah, I am." He whispered. He moved, making me roll on my back as he hovered over me. He looked down at me, moving closer and closer to my face.

"I'm really glad I'm here." He whispered.

"Me too." I whispered back.

He dipped down and pressed his lips over mine slowly. His lips are so soft, oh my God. My hand went to the side of his face, gently laying it there as he deepened our kiss. I ran my tounge over his bottom lip and he moaned against my lips.

My arms went around his neck, pulling him down on top of me. His one hand is gripping my hip, almost kneading it as things are moving faster. He moved back and left the lightest kisses on my neck, being careful not to hurt me.

He gently kissed his way down my chest. His lips and tounge are making my skin feel hot. He moved to my cleavage, his tounge ran up it. I gasped at the feeling. He went back to my cleavage, sucking so gently on the side of my breast, not moving my shirt at all. I heard a moan escape my lips. He moved up to my lips again and my hands trailed down his back slowly.

"Damn." He panted.

I nodded and pulled him down for another long, lingering kiss. He moaned and rolled on his back, pulling me on top of him. His hand is gripping my hair as he kept kissing me faster and harder. I sat on top of him, my legs straddled on each side of him. I kissed and nipped at his chest slowly.

"Damn, Evie." He groaned as I drug my tounge over his chest in spots. I pressed against him, loving how hard he is for me. He moaned and grabbed my thighs. He looked up at me, his chest rising and falling quickly.

"God, I want you just like this on top of me." He whispered. I smiled at him and nodded. I pulled my shirt off and he moaned louder.

"Fuck. Evie you are beautiful." He whispered as his hands went to my chest.

I moaned, loving his feather light touches over my nipples. He sat up and started sucking slowly and gently on them. My head fell back and I heard myself moaning louder. I held on to him and moved to lay him back. I moved off of him and slid my shorts off, grinning as he yanked his off. He smiled at me and pulled me back on top of him. I leaned down and kissed him hard, lowering myself down on top of him as I kept kissing him.

"Goddamn." He panted. I grinned not moving, feeling him moving under me.

"Want me to move?" I whispered in his ear. His hands are holding on to my back tightly.

"Yeah, I do baby." He said, almost desperate. I moved a little and he moaned. I grinned and sat up, moving harder and harder on him.

"Fuck! Don't stop." He begged as I kept moving. I started lifting my hips and his whole body tensed hard. His hands are gripping my hips, urging me to go faster and faster.

"You are so fucking good at this." He groaned.

I can feel my body heating up fast. His hands massaged my breasts and ran over my nipples so lightly, I felt myself starting to shudder. He did it again and my head fell back, moaning louder.

"Keep riding me baby. God, you are gonna make me cum soon." He growled. This added to my desire. I need him bad and he knows it.

His fingers made the light brushes over my nipples again and I arched more. I felt myself moving harder and faster. His fingers kept doing the same thing over and over. I felt a delicious tingle start in my stomach and it started working it's way through my whole body. I felt myself tighten hard on him and tensed even harder.

We are both moaning louder and louder as our bodies tensed and moved harder and harder against one another. He suddenly pulled me down hard on him and I felt him stiffen under me as he moaned.

"Fuck!" He moaned. I collapsed on top of him, both of us panting hard. His arms came around me and he held me close to him.

"Goddamn, Evie. Holy shit." He panted. I leaned up and looked at him grinning.

"So it was ok then huh?" I smirked. He laughed and nodded, not letting go of me.

"Way more than ok." He mumbled against my lips.

"Just checking. That was a good warm up." I grinned. He stopped kissing me and moved back to look at me in awe. His eyes are huge as he smiled.

"For real?" He grinned. I smiled and nodded, moving to lay beside him. He laughed hard and shook his head.

"Well, I'm not complaining." He smiled as he looked at me. I giggled and nodded.

"You sure?" I grinned. He smiled more and nodded. I moved to kiss him again.

"Good. I'm done resting." I said. He is laughing hard as I smiled at him.

"Seriously?" He smiled. I nodded and he rolled me on to my back.

"Good. I'm not tired anymore either." He smiled as his lips came back to mine.

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