Untitled Part 2

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We had been at Sid's club for close to four hours when I needed some air. I slipped outside, hoping I was unnoticed. I leaned against the side of the building and shut my eyes, taking in the cool night air. It was so damn hot inside that place. It was also wall to wall with people.

I spent a lot of time talking to Alex, Corey and Marco. Just having general conversations mainly. When more of Sid's bandmates showed up, that was when I decided I needed some air. Plus, I felt kind of awkward for some reason. Probably because the four of us had been talking and new people came up. I don't really know.

I was on the side of the building, trying to avoid anyone for just a few minutes. I heard what sounded like a metal can being kicked around on the cement. I paused, gazing down the alleyway, unable to see any signs of life. The noise stopped and I shut my eyes again. I heard it again and sighed. I swear that better not be Corey fucking with me.

"Always take off on your own?" I heard at the end of the alley.

I turned my head to see a figure walking up closer to me. I didn't recognize the voice. I watched as a taller male approached. I could see just under the streetlight he was in his thirties, long brown hair, a friendly grin that I didn't trust for some reason. Something about his eyes said he had other intentions. I pushed off the wall.

"I'm Mike. You are?" He asked me. He held out his hand as if to shake it. I looked at his hand.

"Just leaving." I said turning to head back inside.

I felt his hand grab my arm hard. His fingers dug into me like a vice. I tried pulling my arm and his vice like fingers dug harder, enough to make me yelp.

"Let go!" I yelled. I reached up and slapped him in the face. His head went to the side, then slowly turned back to face me.

"Be nice, bitch." Mike snarled, slamming me against the brick wall of the building.

I felt my head bounce off of it. His fingers just keep digging into me harder the longer he holds on to me. I'm struggling, and he slammed me into the wall again.

"Asshole! Get the fuck-" My yelling is cut off by his hand over my mouth.

"Shut the fuck up. Understand?" Mike growled. I bit his hand hard and tried to get out of his death grip. He yelled in pain.

"You are gonna wish you never did that." He snarled at me.

He grabbed my throat, squeezing it hard. I'm fighting for air and for him to let go of me. My nails are digging into any flesh I can find on him as I gasp for air.

"We are gonna have some fun." Mike growled.

"I don't think so asshole." I heard a deep voice say.

His hand was suddenly gone and I dropped to my knees, sucking in air to my lungs and coughing. I held my hands to my throat, panting. I heard yelling, multiple voices of men. Then I heard punches being thrown, someone being shoved, struggling. Then it was quiet.

"Evie?" I heard someone whisper. I flinched, feeling a light touch on my shoulder. As dumb as it sounds, I'm scared to look up.

"Evie, it's Corey." I heard in my ear.

My head snapped up at that and looked at his worried eyes. I saw Mick, Marco, and Alex looking at me worried. I haven't moved my hands from my throat, and I swear I can feel where his fingers dug into me. It's like they are still holding my arm.

"Come here, ok? We got ya." Corey said gently, holding his hands out to me.

"Go get Sid." Mick told Marco. Marco ran off.

"That guy is gone. You're safe. Come on." Corey said quietly, making no moves to touch me just yet.

I nodded and he helped me up slowly. I heard feet skidding on rocks and concrete. I looked over my shoulder and saw Sid. He looked panicked as he ran up to me. He moved too fast when his hands came up towards my face, causing me to flinch unwillingly.

"Slow, man. Go slow." Corey told him. Sid did just as Corey told him, bringing his hands to lay on each side of my face gently.

"Are you ok?" Sid asked me seriously.

"Yeah." I whispered. He nodded a little.

"Let's go in the back door. There's a place you can sit down at in private." Sid told me. I finally dropped my hands from my neck and I saw his eyes looking at my neck.

"Fuck. Let's get you some ice." Sid told me.

I nodded, feeling him slip his arm around my waist, almost pulling me with him. As we walked, I kept looking around to make sure this Mike guy was really gone.

"Evie, he's gone. I promise." Corey said to me.

I nodded as Sid let us inside and down a hallway. He flipped a light on and I saw a couch and a few recliners. I grinned, because it's just Sid's style.

He made me sit down on the couch and I heard whispers. I looked and saw Mick and Alex whispering. Sid knelt in front of me.

"Holy shit, Evie. How hard did this asshole grab you?" Sid asked looking at my neck.

"Hard." My throat fucking hurts to talk even, and my voice sounds raspy. Corey knelt down next to Sid and looked horrified.

"Oh my God. Evie, are you hurt anywhere else?" Corey asked. I nodded and slipped off the flannel. I even gasped when I saw dark purple bruises starting. There were four large ones in all.

"That motherfucker!" Alex growled. Mick looks like he's about to erupt in anger at any moment.

"You ok, Evie?" Mick asked me. I nodded. I saw bags of ice being shoved in my face by Marco. I held one to my throbbing throat, happy at how good it felt. Corey gently held one on my arm.

"Thanks you guys." I rasped out to them.

"Don't mention it. Sorry that happened. You sure you're ok?" Mick asked. I nodded and grinned a little. I leaned back and felt Corey sit down next to me, holding the bag of ice on my arm. I looked at Sid.

"Go finish." I told him.

"I can't-" Sid started to say. Corey stopped him.

"I've got her man. You guys go on. I'll stay. We'll be fine." Corey told all of them. They reluctantly left, closing the door behind them. Corey turned to me.

"Jesus christ. I'm so sorry. Did you know this guy?" He asked. I shook my head and told him what happened.

"We came out and heard voices getting louder and went to check it out. When we realized it was you, we couldn't get to you fast enough. Mick about broke that guy in half." Corey said. I nodded. He grinned at me suddenly.

"I get the feeling someone needs to keep an eye on you at all times." He smiled. I giggled a little and nodded.

"That's alright. I'll volunteer to do it. I don't mind at all." He smiled.

"Careful what you wish for." I croaked to him. He just smiled and held the ice pack on my arm.

"Evie?" I heard a whisper in my ear say. I jerked, startled. I didn't think I fell asleep, but i guess I had. It was just me and Corey in the room still.

"Lay down." He whispered. I nodded and laid my head in his lap, not caring one bit. I'm exhausted. I felt his fingers trailing lazily through my hair as I slipped away into a deep sleep.

I heard whispers around me, and I'm not sure if it's a dream or not. I feel like I've been drugged and can't open my eyes or talk.

"I got her man. Pull the car around." Corey whispered.

"You sure?" Sid whispered.

"Yeah." Corey whispered back. Soon enough, I felt like I was being lifted up and carried. I felt myself starting to stir a little.

"Shhh. You're ok." Corey assured me. I heard a door open, then being sat down. I heard the door shut and felt someone holding on to me.

"I'm just taking her to my house. I don't want her alone." Sid said quietly.

"Don't blame you." Marco said.

I woke the next day sore as all hell. My throat burns, my neck is so sore, and my arm hurts to move it. I groaned as I turned over in bed. Wait. This isn't my room. I felt an arm around my waist. This is Sid's room. Holy shit. What did I do? I felt panicked and started to sit up.

"Calm down Evie. I wasn't leaving you alone last night." Sid mumbled next to me.

"How did you know what I was worried about?" I said in a hoarse voice. He popped his head up and smiled.

"How many times have we woke up like this? And how many times do I have to assure you nothing happened?" He grinned.

"Oh yeah." I smiled. "Thanks for taking care of me."

"I don't mind. You know I don't. I'm more upset that you're hurt." He told me. I nodded as he kissed my forehead. "Just glad you're ok." He said. I nodded, closing my eyes again.

"Go to sleep. I'm tired." He mumbled. I grinned and got comfortable again.

When I finally woke up again, I swear I hurt even more. Sid is standing over me with a worried look on his face. "Maybe we should get a doctor involved." He said. I shook my head.

"It's bruising is all. I'll be good in a few days." I told him.

"Two days. If you aren't better, then I'm taking you." He said as he sat down next to me.

"Did you carry me in here?" I asked him. He laughed and shook his head.

"No. Corey did. He carried you out of the club and into here. He's on his way back over. He stayed here all night. Think he likes you." Sid grinned.

"Uh huh." I don't buy it.

"You like him too." Sid taunted.

"I'm too sore to kick your ass." I sighed. He laughed.

"That's a yes then. You do like him." Sid grinned. I chuckled at him and went to sit up, my arm throbbing more. I groaned.

"Need help or ya gonna be stubborn?" He grinned. I looked at him and he laughed. "I figured." He smiled. I got up and tried pulling my hair up.

"Fucking hell. Let me help." Sid grumbled, helping me pull my hair up. I grinned at him.

"Thanks Sid. For everything." I told him.

"Evie, you know I don't mind. I was so pissed that someone would even do that to you. I'm just so glad you're ok. I'm even more glad that the guys found you when they did. That could of been really bad." He told me seriously.

"I know. And they will never understand how thankful I am either." I sighed.

"I think they have a good idea." He grinned. There was a knock on the door and Sid grinned.

"Bet that's Corey." He laughed as he got up.

We walked out to his front room so he could answer the door. Sure enough, it was Corey. And goddamn he looks hot. Not that he normally doesn't, but for whatever reason, I found him even more attractive in a plain black t-shirt and jeans. He had shaved and his hair was slicked back. His eyes lit up when he saw me, making him smile.

"Hey you. How are you feeling?" He grinned.

"Sore." My scratchy voice said. He wrinkled his brow at me and gently lifted my chin to look at my neck.

"Goddamn. No wonder. Have you looked to see why you might be?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No she hasn't. She was too worried thinking we slept together when she woke up." Sid laughed. I flipped him off as Corey laughed.

"I can see where that would be terrifying." Corey smirked at Sid. Sid glared at him. I grinned a little.

"I need to head home. I gotta get a shower and feed Orco." I said. Fuck, my throat is sore.

"What is Orco?" Corey grinned. "He a two hundred pound Mastiff?" I laughed and shook my head.

"Guinea Pig. Two pounds of sheer terror." I smiled. They both started laughing.

"I also have to go to work in a bit." I told them. They both looked at me like I was high as a kite.

"No! Jesus fucking christ woman! You are off for the next week. I'm paying you even. Get some goddamn rest." Sid ranted.

"Sid-" I started to say, but he stopped me.

"Don't argue or I'll make it two weeks." He said stubbornly. Corey laughed and shook his head.

"For real man?" Corey asked still laughing.

"Dude, she works all the fucking time. Her days off she comes in. No. I'm sorry. I am putting my foot down-" Sid was interrupted by a knock at the door. He opened the door and there stood Mick.

"Came to see Evie. Move dude." Mick said pushing his way inside. I laughed. Sid looks so tiny compared to Mick. Mick grinned when he saw me.

"I got ya something." Mick smiled. He pulled something out of his pocket and put it in my hand. I looked down and saw a black handled switchblade. I smiled happily and Sid about lost his shit.

"What the fuck man?! You realize she will stab someone with that?" Sid asked.

"Kind of the point, dumbass." Mick grinned. I pushed the button, making the blade go up, then pushed it again, making it go down. I smiled and hugged Mick.

"Thank you for everything. You have no idea how much I appreciate it." I told him. He grinned at me.

"No stabbing any of us. Keep it in your purse or whatever the fuck you women use to carry all your shit around in." Mick grinned. I nodded and smiled.

"Oh my God, Mick. Oh my God." Sid shook his head.

"What man? She's gotta be able to get some asshole like that off of her. Damn." Mick grinned.

"The rest of us may die in the meantime." Corey laughed. I laughed and shook my head.

"Nah. You're safe." I smiled. I looked around not spotting my shoes. "My shoes?" I asked Sid.

"Bedroom. Where we didn't have sex." Sid smiled. We all laughed at him. I headed back to his room and found my shoes, slipping them on. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and gasped. My neck seriously had bruises all over it. Some looked like hickies almost while others outlined fingers. There were purple dots and dark red marks.

"Oh my god." I whispered, gently running my fingers down my throat.

"I know. See why I'm worried? Please let me take you to a doctor." Sid said from the doorway. I turned and looked at him.

"Can I at least get a shower and change?" I asked. He grinned and nodded. He went back to the living room while I grabbed Corey's flannel to at least cover up my arms. I grabbed my bag and went down the hall, pausing while they talked.

"She is actually letting me take her to the doctor." Sid told them.

"Don't you have an interview Sid?" Mick asked him.

"Fuck!" Sid hissed.

"I can take her. Not a problem." Corey said.

"Uh huh. I bet man." Sid laughed. I rolled my eyes hearing this. "You sure? I just don't feel comfortable with her being alone after all this."

"It's fine. I'll hang out with her." Corey said.

"Because you like her." Mick teased. I walked out in the front room, pretending I hadn't heard anything. I looked at Sid.

"Ready?" I asked him. He grinned apologetically at me.

"Uh, I'm sorry about this, I really am. I have an interview in a bit. Corey offered to take you though. I'm sorry Evie." Sid said sincerely.

"Well that should be.....different." I grinned. They all smirked at me. "It's fine. I need a shower and need to feed my Guinea Pig." I grinned.

"Priorities." Mick laughed. I laughed and nodded. Sid hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Text me when you're done." Sid told me. I nodded. Corey smiled at me and I waved to Mick as we left the house. Corey turned to me.

"Where do you live?" He asked. I laughed and pointed at the house across the street.

"Well, shit. That's easy enough." He smiled as we walked over to my house. I let us inside and shut the door. I could hear Orco squeaking excitedly already. Corey looked at me and grinned.

"Almost like having a dog." He laughed. I smiled and nodded. I went through the kitchen to my living room, seeing the tiny brown creature pace his cage happily. I laughed and opened the cage, picking him up. He settled down as I pet him. Corey grinned at us, walking over to gently pet him.

"He's cute. He acts like a dog." He laughed as he pet him.

"They're really awesome. I always wanted one, but my parents said no. When I moved in here four years ago, I got him. He's great." I grinned. I put Orco back and went to the fridge, grabbing fresh veggies for him. I went out and opened his cage placing the food inside. I locked his cage up and turned to Corey.

"Help yourself to whatever. I won't be long." I said. He smiled at me.

"Take your time. I've got Orco to entertain me." He grinned. I smiled and headed down to my room. I got a quick shower and brushed my teeth.

I only bothered with a little make since my neck looks like hell. I dried my long red hair, and even considered cutting it so it doesn't take so damn long to dry. I slipped on some jeans and a tight Green Day t-shirt. I walked out to the living room, hearing Corey laughing. I smiled seeing him playing with Orco in his lap. He looked up at me and smiled.

"I think I may get one. This little dude is awesome!" He laughed as he pet Orco.

"They're awesome. He likes you a lot too. He bites Marco when Marco tries to touch him." I smiled. Corey laughed and put him in his cage, locking the cage door.

"Let's get you checked out." He told me.

Two hours later, the doctor said I was ok after a long exam. I had some small broken blood vessels in my eyes that I hadn't noticed. Someone was supposed to be with me at all times for the next week to make sure it didn't cause any sort of brain damage or anything. Corey assured that I would be taken care of and not alone.

"Jesus. Guess I didn't realize what could happen when some stupid asshole chokes the shit out of you." I said as we drove.

"See why we were so worried?" Corey asked me. I nodded. "Your throat still sore?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"You realize you won't have a voice if you keep talking." He grinned.

"I'm sure that would upset everyone." I grinned. He laughed and shook his head.

"It would upset me." He smiled as we got out of his car. "And no, I'm not leaving." He said following me into my house.

"You sure? I can call Marco or something." I said.

"Nope. You're stuck with me." He smiled. I laughed and we sat down on the couch. My phone rang and I jumped. Why the fuck would that scare me? It never has before. I felt Corey's eyes on me as I got out my phone. I groaned.

"Sid?" He smiled. I smiled and nodded. He held his hand out to me. "Save your voice." He said taking my phone. He hit accept and held the phone to his ear.

"Hey man. No. No, she is trying to save her voice. She's ok. Doctor said someone needs to be with her for the next week to make sure she's ok. I know. Right? Yeah. Oh my God Sid, calm down. Please? Yes, I am taking care of her. Settle your ass down. I promise." Corey looked at me and grinned. "He said he's bringing ice cream over later." He smiled. I nodded and smiled.

"She smiled at that. Ok. Yep. See ya man." Corey hung up. "He's still upset this happened." He grinned. I smiled and nodded.

"Sorry I like passed out in your lap last night. I'm sure that was weird as fuck for you." I told him. He laughed hard.

"Evie, you have no idea how non weird that was for me." He smiled. I giggled.

"For real, that was nothing. I was fine." He smiled wide. I felt my face get a little red.

"Thanks for carrying my ass around too." I grinned. He stared at me intently and smirked.

"I really didn't mind that either." He said quietly. I grinned. "Hungry? I actually know how to cook." He said. I nodded. "Good. I'm starving." He said getting up. 

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