Untitled Part 1

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"Hey Evie. How are ya?" Sid Wilson grinned as I walked into the record store.

'Hey Sid. I'm good. How are you?" I smiled walking behind the counter.

"I'm good. Marco said he might be late." Sid told me as he looked up from his paperwork. He was standing at the counter with a calculator, go over numbers. I grinned watching him pound on the calculator. He always gets frustrated when he does the paperwork. He groaned and sighed.

"Can I help?" I smiled. He laughed and nodded.

"Yes. You know I suck at this." He laughed, handing me the paperwork and calculator. I smiled and took it from him. I hopped up on the counter and started working on numbers.

"How is everything going around here?" He asked while I worked.

"Good. Marco caught to kids trying to steal and drug them into the back last week. Gave them an hour long lecture about not being little assholes, then made them clean the parking lot and take out garbage." I grinned. Sid laughed and nodded.

"That's awesome. Fucking little punks." Sid mumbled.

"I'm sure you were a little punk when you were younger." I grinned. He laughed again.

"Yes I was. Goddamn, I was an asshole." He laughed. I finished the paperwork and handed it back to him.

"For real, girl? I've been at this for two fucking hours." He said, astonished.

"That's why you hired me." I grinned.

"Thank God I did." He smiled.

I busied myself with putting new shirts on the shelf and straightening up various items. I heard the bell to the front door and saw Sid's bandmates Alex and Corey walk in. I smiled at them and kept working, while the three of them talked at the counter.

I heard the bell chime again and Marco walked in, grinning as usual. Marco came up to me and smiled.

"Hey Evie. Need help?" He asked.

"Sure. There's a box of records that need to be put away." I pointed to the box. He went over and got started.

I finished organizing the shelf I was working on and went behind the counter to straighten up. I swear these guys are pigs. I about threw up when I moved some papers out of the way under the counter.

"Ok! Which one of you fucking dicks left a half eaten sandwich down here?" I yelled out as I stood up. I saw all of them grinning at me. "Sid?" I asked.

"Um. Maybe I did?" Sid smiled nervously.

"Fucking nasty man! I'm pretty sure the fucking mice that have been feeding off of it, are full now. Are you saving it for another special occasion, or am I safe to throw it out?" I asked. All of them are trying to hide their smiles.

"I got it Evie." Sid laughed but didn't move. I stared at him.

"Got it when? Next week when the cockroaches throw a kegger and start giving each other tattoos?" I asked. They quit hiding their laughter and were openly laughing now.

"Holy fuck. Right now. I'm getting it now." Sid laughed coming to get the nasty, rotting food. He grabbed it and threw it in the waste basket next to me. "Better?" He grinned.

"Jesus fucking christ." I sighed, grinning at him. "I don't have to touch it, so I guess." I looked up at Marco.

"Hey Marco! Take the garbage out." I grinned.

"Fuck." Marco grumbled as he came over to get the trash can. He grabbed it and looked inside. "What the fuck, Sid?" Marco asked, twisting his face up as he walked outside.

"Better now?" Corey grinned at me.

"Yeah. Until I find his dessert from three weeks ago." I grinned. Corey smiled, his eyes not leaving mine. I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach as he stared at me. It wasn't being a fan girl. I've known all these guys for about three years now. We aren't buddies or anything, but I've held brief conversations with all of them.

It's his intense stare and startling blue eyes that are almost staring into my soul. At least it feels this way. I couldn't tell you what Corey thinks. He's kinda all over the place. I think he tries to figure everyone out that he meets by really looking at them. You can tell alot by a persons eyes, I do know this.

"Evie?" Sid asked, breaking mine and Corey's staring contest. I looked at him. "Will you make a coffee run. Please?" Sid begged. I rolled my eyes and grinned.

"Sid, you know I love being your coffee bitch. That is the exact reason I took this job." I grinned, hearing them all laugh.

"Shit, I know." Sid laughed.

"Yes. Write down what you guys want and I'll go down and get it." I said handing him some paper and pen. He looked at my hands like I was handing him a vile of radiation or something.

"Holy shit, man. I'll write it because your handwriting sucks." I told him.

"Not as bad as Corey's." Sid laughed.

"Fuck off man. My handwriting is a masterpiece." Corey grinned.

"Masterpiece of shit. Sorry, it sucks." Alex laughed. I grinned and wrote down their orders.

"Need money?" Sid asked me. I glared at him.

"You bought last time. Plus I saw Larry down that way needing some change." I grinned.

"Quit giving that dude money Evie! He spends it all on alchohol!" Sid laughed. I shrugged.

"Shit, if I was begging for money I'd need a drink too. I'm not gonna judge him." I said. They all laughed.

I grabbed my bag and the list, walking out the door. I walked slowly, swearing that I keep hearing footsteps behind me. I paused and turned around. Nothing. I started walking again and heard the footsteps again. I stopped and turned. Again, nothing. Maybe I'm losing my mind.

I started walking, and this time it sounded like they were directly behind me. I spun around and knocked into someones chest. I was almost going to start swinging when I heard that goddamn laugh.

"What the fuck!" I shrieked, hearing Corey laugh hard. He has a hold of my arms as he laughed. I looked up at him and grinned.

"Trying to get knocked out today?" I asked. He laughed harder and shook his head.

"God, that was great. I'm sorry. It's the ten year old in me. You alright?" He grinned.

"I'm fine, you big man child." I said as he laughed. "Purposely followed me just to fuck with me?" I asked. He smiled and shook his head.

"Nope. Thought you could use a hand." He smiled, falling into step next to me.

"How come we haven't talked much in the three years you've worked here?" He asked me.

"I have no idea. Figured you and Sid had important guy stuff to talk about. Guess I didn't want to interrupt." I told him as we stopped in front of the coffee shop. I saw Larry sitting on a bench a little ways away.

"Larry! Need a coffe?" I yelled. Larry is in his sixties, yes he's and alcoholic, but he's homeless, and incredibly kind to anyone he meets. I could tell he had been to the homeless shelter recently, as he had new clothes on and his unkempt blonde hair laid down nicely. He smiled at me.

"Only if it's not too much trouble Evie. Thank you." He smiled at me.

"I got ya man." I said heading inside the coffee shop. Corey grinned at me.

"First name basis even, huh?" He grinned.

"Yeah. He's super nice. He also knows everything going on around here, walks me to my car late at night if I'm working late. It's the least I can do." I said. His expression soften and he smiled softly at me.

"That's nice of you. Most people wouldn't look Larry's way even." He said quietly.

"We were put on this earth to help each other. Not that life isn't a ball shit most days because let's face it, it really is, but we can try and help each other out every once in a while." I said, handing the girl behind the counter the list. I grabbed a muffin and ordered a sandwich. Corey stood staring at me speechless.

"I say something wrong?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"No. Not even a little. I wish there were more people like you and Larry in the world." He said. I grinned at him. "So how come you're so giving?" He asked.

"When I was like ten or something, I was driving with my parents somewhere. My dad saw this guy with a sign, saying he would work for food. My dad made my mom hand over any cash she had on her and he pulled over. He got out and told the guy he didn't have any work for him, but he could give him this little bit of cash. The guy was so thin, and was so grateful for what my dad did for him. I guess I just thought that's what you do when you see people who need help." I told him. He smiled wide at me.

"Your family sounds awesome. I wish everyone was like that." He smiled.

"Me too." I said, grabbing the bag of food. Corey grabbed the drink carrier and we went outside. I walked up to Larry.

"Here ya go bud. Coffee flavored coffee, just how you like it. I didn't let them put any heart sticker spill tabs on there. I know that weirds ya out." I grinned hearing Larry and Corey laugh. Larry smiled and took the coffee from me. "Got ya some food too, and." I grinned as I pulled a pack of cigarettes out of my bag. Larry's eyes lit up and he smiled so big that his face had to hurt.

"Now, Miss Evie, you don't need to do all this for me. You know that. I sure appreciate it though. Thank you Miss Evie. Working late this week?" Larry asked.

"Next week I am. You good? Here's a couple of dollars. It's all I got on me. You get to the clinic yet about your back?" I asked handing him the money.

"I go next week. I hope they can help." Larry told me. I nodded and patted his shoulder.

"Me too bud. I'll see you soon, ok?" I said. Larry smiled at me.

"You will indeed. Hope that fella ya got with ya is nice to ya." Larry winked. Both Corey and I chuckled.

"Yeah?" I grinned at Larry.

"Give him a right hook if he's not." Larry said. Corey and I laughed.

"I'll keep it in mind. Take care, bud." I wave to him. Larry smiled and waved at me as I walked off.

"Wow. You are so goddamn nice." Corey said as we walked. I laughed and looked at him.

"You've only seen this side of me." I grinned. He smirked at me.

"I have a hard time seeing you be mean." Corey said. Oh how I laughed as we walked back into the record store.

"What's so funny?" Sid grinned. I smiled at him.

"Corey doesn't think I can be mean." I told him, hopping up on the counter. Sid and Marco laughed hard.

"That's good shit man. You obviously only saw one side. She's nice, don't get me wrong, but Marco can tell ya how she really is. Isn't that right Marco?" Sid laughed. Marco glared at me.

"She's fucking loco man. El diablo." Marco said in his thick Spanish accent. Alex and Corey smirked at me.

"And why is she the devil Marco?" Sid laughed. Marco glared and flipped me off. I laughed.

"She'll drop kick the shit outta anyone. Including her friend who is trying to break up a fight and she gives him a black eye. Right, asshole?" Marco grinned. I rolled my eyes.

"Pussy." I muttered. They all laughed hard. "That was a year ago. Get over it." I told him.

"That time was a year ago. What about the other like, ten fucking times chica?" Marco yelled and laughed.

"Not my fault all the time." I sighed. Sid laughed and shook his head.

"Uh huh. What about the time I said you weren't going to fight that girl who called you a groupie slut at a bar one night?" Sid grinned, raising his eyebrows at me.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I smiled. Sid laughed, making Corey look at him and grin.

"She said she was fine, and I fell for it and let go of her. She hopped over the table, like didn't even touch the table, and body slammed this girl. When I pulled her off, she punched me in the mouth." Sid grinned. They are dying laughing.

"Anger issues?" Alex laughed at me.

"I was good after that, so, no. Not really." I smiled.

"I am so not able to picture this." Corey smiled intently at me.

"Uh huh. Piss her off. I'll pay you twenty bucks if you do." Sid grinned at me. I laughed.

"I think I prefer this side." Corey smiled at me.

There go those goddamn butterflies again. I quickly found some paperwork that Sid didn't finish and started working as they talked. I was trying to figure out what Sid did exactly and was working my way through it when I heard my name being called. I held up my arm and flipped him off, hearing all of them laugh.

"Quit being a dick Evie!" Sid laughed at me. I looked up and grinned at him.

"Yes. What do you need? No more coffee. I'm cutting you off." I grinned at him. He laughed and shook his head.

"You coming out with us tonight?" Sid asked.

"Who is us and where are you dragging me to?" I asked, watching them all smirk at me.

"I'm DJing tonight. You know, the place that I have way out in the sticks that you've been to numerous times over the years?" He grinned.

"Fine. But Marco's buying and driving tonight." I said.

"Man fuck that Evie!" Marco laughed. I smiled at him.

"Fine. Marco's still buying then." I told Sid.

"Fuck yeah he is." Sid laughed.

"When are we leaving?" I asked looking over the papers I had.

"Uh. Like fifteen minutes." Sid grinned. I glared.

"You are lucky I keep half of my life here. I'm taking a shirt." I said getting down off the counter.

"Bringing it back?" Sid called out to me. I flipped him off. "Ok." He laughed.

I got into the back room and grabbed my make up out, touching up my black eyeliner and smokey gray eyeshadow. I looked to make sure it didn't smudge. It makes my green eyes stand out. I like it and that's all I'm worried about.

I plugged in my flat iron and dug through the shirts in the back. I finally found a mens small. It was a black Misfits tank. I can make that work. I grabbed the flat iron and quickly ironed my long red hair.

I unplugged the iron and grabbed the shirt. I took off the one I was wearing and went to put on the tank, stopping when I saw tags still on the shirt.

"Hey Evie-" Sid stopped talking when he saw me in my bra. "Goddamn girl! Put a fucking shirt on!" He laughed. I glared at him pulling the tags off.

"Stop creeping up on me and shit. Jesus, turn around." I laughed. He smiled at me and turned so his back was to me. I slipped the shirt on. "We are good." I said. He turned around and laughed.

"There is a bathroom right there." He pointed to the door next to me.

"That has no room." I pointed out. He laughed and shook his head at me. "You have a flannel here?" I asked.

"Yeah. Up front. You ready?" He grinned. I nodded and followed him out front. I had on my favorite tight jeans and black combat boots. I felt eyes on me as I walked up front. Sid tossed me his flannel. I smelled it and wrinkled my face at him.

"Dude! When was the last time this was washed?" I asked. Sid laughed.

"The last time you washed it for me like....months ago?" He asked. They are laughing as I tried spraying it with perfume. I smelled it.

"Great. It smells like a sweaty whore now." I said. None of them have quit laughing. I saw a flannel shoved in front of me and I looked up. Corey grinned at me. "You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. It doesn't smell like a sweaty whore. I promise." He laughed. I laughed and took it from him. I shoved it in Sid's face. "Smell that." I said. Sid laughed and sniffed it. "Now smell this." I said shoving his flannel in his face.

"Ugh. Sweaty whore does sum it up." Sid grinned at me.

"I'll wash your flannel. Again." I told him.

"I got other clothes that need washing too." Sid grinned.

"I have no doubts." I grinned.

"We going or what?" Marco asked. We all headed out the door. I headed to my car when Sid yelled for me. I turned around.

"Get in the damn car." Sid pointed at the SUV. I sighed and went to get in the back. Alex sat down next to me.

"Stop running away el diablo." Marco said sitting behind me. I turned and looked at him.

"Wanna go for another black eye?" I asked. They all laughed.

"Wanna sit on my lap mamacita?" Marco grinned.

"Ugh! What the fuck Marco! Stop calling me mommy for starters, and no. Just. No." I said hearing them all laugh.

"You're fucking with her this early Marco? You bored?" Sid laughed.

"Uh huh." Marco smirked as we drove off. 

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