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(4 months later)
I was over at the twins house. me and them have gotten really close to me whenever I feel down they help but mostly Grayson.. I wonder sometimes what Grayson thinks about me.. "guys I'm going to head home I'll text y'all later" I say "alright bye love you" they both say we all hug and I leave to....
(At my house)
I went up to my room and I looked threw my message the same person keeps texting me and I haven't told the guys cause they worry to much which is a good thing but I need to keep the a secret to myself..my eyes tested up and tears began to fall on my phone they said "go die no one likes you.clout chaser..ugly pig.ect" I know I should do something but I'm honestly scared I know the number and who it's from but she can come after you hard and I don't need that right now....

Then I got another one "just wait by next month your gonna be dead and gone😂"
Which that made me more upset. I started to cry even more so I went over to my bed and looked under grabbed my box and took out a knife..I went into my bathroom and locked the door I stared to cut..
if so many people hate I should just leave and disappear for a while...
I decide I'm going to leave tonight and disappear I know this might be a bad idea but I need time and need to get away I hate this I hate my life everyone hates me i have no family alex is the only person that I talk to but I never see since he's always a work....

I grabbed my bag and started to fit as much as I could make up clothes some shoes ect...
I didn't even bother writing a note I just opened my windows went onto my roof and climbed down...
I ran down the street and ran past downtown...I continued to walk I saw a motel sign so I ran there and got a room....I put everything away and sat on my bed a drifted asleep.....

(Next morning)
Alex's POV
I woke up and went downstairs and ate....Madison usually wakes up 20 minuets after me why isn't she awake yet I'll let her sleep in...
It's now 2 pm and Madison's still has not gotten up and out...I went up to her room (knock knock) "Madison are you okay" silents "Madison" (knock knock) still no answer I open her door and walk to her bed...she's not there I check her bathroom not there either...
I tried texting and calling her but she won't answer it keeps going to voicemail then I called Ethan
Ethan- hello
Me- have seen Madison
Ethan-no why
Me-she's gone
Ethan-what do you mean gone
Me-She's not here like she's missing
Ethan-HOLY shit uhhh I'll ask Grayson to see if he has seen her I'll let you know
Me-thanks text me if anything
Ethan-I will
End call

Ethan's POV
I got off the phone with Alex my heart started to race I ran up to Grayson's room "WHOA what's wrong" Grayson asked "It's Madison she's missing" Ethan said Grayson shot up "Wait WHAT" "I'm guessing you haven't seen her" Ethan said "nope dude we have to did her" Grayson said pacing pack and forth "we will" "how do you know that Ethan Madison keeps things from us still and I know it Madison is out bestfriend I can tell when she's upset or mad or angry but she never tells us I bet she's still getting those messages" Grayson's aid almost crying
Ethan went over and hugged him "I know I'm really worried let's call her" me and Grayson both tried calling her no answer just went to voicemail "voicemail again" Ethan said "same bro I'm scared"

Grayson's POV
When Ethan told me Madison went missing my whole heart stopped.it felt like the world just stopped Turning I really like Madison, Madison's my everything she means so much to me and i just never really gotten to tell her cause it only been a month but i honestly i feel like Madison and me really do have a connection. "Wait I remember her telling us something but I can't remember" I said "shit what was it shit" Ethan said getting angry "what if she kills her self" I say almost crying "she wouldn't do that would she" Ethan said "it couldn't be a possibility"....

Madison's POV
I was in the bathroom cutting myself I was getting calls but ignored I didn't want anyone to find me I wanted to be alone I didn't want anyone to find me....

Alex's POV
Me-Ethan there's a motel downtown I remember Madison running away there when she was little maybe she's there
E-okay I'll be over in a sec
Me-okay see ya
End call
Ethan and Grayson came over and we drove down to the motel...

Ethan's POV
"Alex i will go in stay here just Incase you see her sneaking out or something" Alex nodded his head "and Grayson come with me and ask the the guy who works here what room number she could be in then I'll go in that room" Grayson nodded. me and Grayson got out of the car and walked over to the front desk "hello can I help you" worker said "yes actually we were wondering if there was a girl named Madison who got a room her last night" Grayson asked he looked at his computer and gave us the number "her room number is 304" he said Ethan nodded and ran outside to find her "302..303..here we go" (knock knock) "Madison it's me Ethan let me in".no reply..(knock knock) "Madison I have the key I will come in"...no reply..I open up the door I saw Madison bag but I didn't see her but then I saw the bathroom door was closed "shit" I said to myself I run over to the door (knock knock) "Madison please open up" Ethan said crying..(knock knock) "Madison please be alive" ... I tried opening up the door but it was locked so I kicked the door open. "MADISON"...

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