Shoot Banana

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I pull up to Jungkooks school to see him sitting on the side walking with his hands over his eyes he had no backpack and or bike cause he didn't ride the bus to school this time
He looked up and got out the car and I walked to him 'who the did this to him'

I walk back into the car to see Jungkook still didn't move an inch

"Jeon Jungkook get in ducking car now!" I yelled because not only was I upset I worried about him I was in shock because I choked on my toast and now how is he suppose to make it now!! He might get blood all over is

I saw him flinch and get up and got into my truck I turn to him
Then start driving
"What fucking shoot banana Jungkook what happened to your fucking face!! Who ever did this I'm gonna fucking Rip there dick off and if it's a girl I'll but rip her nipples off!!?!?!"

"You like that word you asshole"


"Just take me home!"

This bitch just yelled at me you know what I pull over and stop the car "get out" I say calmly and he looks at me in shock "what?"

"You heard me Get.Da.Fuk.Out"

"What the hell no!?!" Jungkook yelled in shock "you know you lil hoe"I get out and open the door to his side to see him buckle his seatbelt and put it around his chest he looks at me and smiles "fuck you"

I get back in the car and hand him a wipe from my back seat he gets out his phone to use th camera I wait for him to be done then start the car up again and head home


I drop the keys and my wallet on the table i grab Jungkook wrist and drag him to the bathroom
I sit him on the toilet seat and get the first aid kid I put in my bathroom in my room "look up" I say and he does as he's told
I get the towelet pad and open it "this will sting so don't cry like a pussy" I say looking at him while opening the towelet

He looks down to only nod and then laugh he looks back up and I only smile at him

I clean his wound with the towelet
"OUCH! What kind of devil device is that!!"
"Ha! pussy"
" I am not!"

Jungkook says with a frown on his face "whatever I'm done anyway I'll just put concealer on your bruise"
After putting the concealer on his face I give him a new shirt from his room but he tells me he doesn't want a shirt but a hoodie so I go get him the first hoodie I see in his closet which is a over size pinkish reddish one with white letters on it

I gave it to him "umm can you turn around"
I look at him in confusion "what no just put it on" I say back he huffs "fine but-"
"Just put it on" I say getting annoyed at his behavior
He takes his white shirt off and when he does I can see a huge purple blue bruise on his abs
My eyes widened with anger
"Who- never mind stay here"

I walk out the door and slam it behind me I let my breath go that I didn't realize I was holding I ignored the blush that was on my cheeks and put my hoodie over my head and pull my leggings up and head under my bed to find my box on oils,lotions and medical creams. I take out a bottle of medical cream and a lavender scented oil I get a cup from the kitchen and head back to bathroom

I see Jungkook with his face on the cold counter of the bathroom staring at the wal he sits up when he noticed my presence

"Stand up plz and be careful or you'll hurt your self" he sits up and looks tired but he stands up
"Lift up your shirt" he looks at me then lifts his shirt up I mix the cream and lavender scented oil in the cup and put it on my fingers

I spread the substance on his abdomen but he winced at the feeling "it hurts and it's cold" I look at him then continue he keeps moving so I hold the other side of his waist to keep him still he tenses at the touch I blush slightly to but but nothing serious when I m done I wrapped his waist  up then let his hoodie down I sit up and look at him

I put his hoodie over his head and hand him a pack of seaweed and banana milk "it has lavender in it so you might fall asleep so just eat this then rest ok cause the last thing I need right now is for you to get sick and your not going to school tomorrow we will only go so I can find out who did this to you so I can can beat he/her ass"
I finished saying

"It's a he and there are four of them,I'm positive that you can't beet them up at the same time"
Jungkook says going to lay on his bed "well good thing I'm not normal human being" say then wink at him as I exist the room "sleep tight bunny boy"
"I'm not a bunny!!" Jungkook yells at me but fails to get my attention could I ignore him and went to make myself some toast ;)

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