Jeon household

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I woke up still in my moms car. It looks as if we're still on the highway but I asked my mom if she could take the next exit cause I was hungry and had to pee.

"Oh! Hey sweetie you're finally awake" mom said and looked at me side eyed cause she was still driving. "Yeah" I say in a lazy voice "mom could you take this exit so I can use the bathroom and I'm kinda hungry" I say making my mom laugh as my stomach growls just as I say that. "Sure,and we are almost to jiwons home"

My mom takes the next exit cause she misses the first one. My mom parks at a gas station, I decided to just grab a bunch of snacks and drinks for me and my mom after I use the restroom. I walk up to the cashier and ask where the bathroom was

"Excuse me but where is bathroom"
I say I little in a hurry because I've been waiting FOREVER

"Hey you'll go down the aisle with the chips then take a left and the bathroom should be there"
A nice looking girl said and smiled after

I say back
"Oh! Wait here's the key make sure to return it when you're done"

I take the key and start running down the aisle with the chips till I bump in to someone. Then My phone rang. It was my mom.
I look up and it's a tall guy with red hair but I can't see his face cause he has a hoodie on he was wearing black ripped jeans and adidas "I'm so sorry I just-"
" I don't care just answer your phone" the boy said walking away and paying for his stuff it looked like he had banana milk and seaweed packets.
I then call my mom back cause I took to long to answer

"Hey mom sorry I bumped into someone and I couldn't find the bathroom-"

"It's fine just hurry up cause the moving trucks are already in front of Jiwons house"

"Ok ok I'm coming just let me use the bathroom and buy some snacks"

"Ok bye love you"

"I love you too mom"

Call ended

"Will this be all ma'ma" the cashier girl said "yep that's it" I grabbed my bag full of snacks and I mean a lot of snacks. What I'm hungry. "Finally damn took you long enough" my mom said starting up the car and driving back on the highway "let's just say I ran into a lot of obstacles" I say with a sigh. " whatever just hand me some of those chips" my mom said. I giggled at her hand grabbing at the bag in thin air.

We arrived at a big house with a gate and garden in the front. I got out of the car with my bags of food and my phone and wallet in my back pocket.
I fairly handsome man walks out of the house and has welcoming hands out for my mom, she ran happily into his arms. I've never seen her this happy.

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