Boo-Ha Beauties

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I couldn't understand Brady's reasoning. Okay, so, we need this storm to happen before either of us can get home. And in the movie, its Lela and Tanner who work together to defeat Mustache Man's stupid machine. But Lela and I are together now, and therefore Tanner has no interest in her. In either of us, really.

But why does all that stuff even matter? The important thing was destroying it, right? So who cares who goes to the lighthouse at the edge of the beach and quote-on-quote "discovering" the Weather Machine.

Well, apparently, Brady did.

"It just doesn't work that way!" He argued, "It's Tann-"

I rolled my eyes and cut him off, "I know, I know. You've told me many times, so I am fully aware. But, why does it matter so much? It's too late to get the two together now anyway. Spray Tan is basically shunning us and sticking to the normal surfer girls like all the other guys." I shook my head to clear my thoughts, "Point is, we need to get this done. I am going to go ask Lela for a walk down the beach."

He knew how stubborn I was, so he didn't dare argue with me a second time. He ran a hand through his blonde hair as he watched me leave, "What am I supposed to do?"

"You're a big boy. Figure it out." I replied.

Lela was sitting down in the sand with her older brother when I returned. They seemed to be getting along much better now, and I didn't want to interrupt. So, I set my shoes in the sand and sat by the waves. As soon as I did, I noticed that the surfers on either side of us got up and left.

"Hey, where's you's guys goin'?" I heard Butchy ask, watching some of his own bikers run into Big Momma's. The tall, Latina biker pointed at me, then left. I had only met her once at Lela's pajama party before it had gone awry. I prided myself on forgetting her name, as I did remember the way she had treated my girlfriend. It was hard to believe the two of them had been close friends before I came into the picture.

Whatever. I thought, that only means she's worth forgetting.

The biker siblings turned their heads, Lela frowned in understanding while Butchy just offered a halfhearted apologetic nod. Bidding goodbye to her brother, she skipped over to me and sat down in the sand, "Hey, Mack!"

"Hey." I greeted in return, "What do you think of taking me for a walk on the beach?"

She smiled ear-to-ear, grabbed my hand and dragged me in the direction towards the lighthouse. The walk quickly sped into a run, when she burst into a fit of giggles and started speeding ahead.

I heard a clap of thunder and exchanged a confused look with her, "What was that?"

"I... I don't know, that's never happened before. The weather's ever like this."

I covered my eyes and peered ahead, "Looks like it came from over there. Let's go check it out." This time, it was I that dragged her along.

"How're we supposed to get in?" I asked myself, searching around for a key to the door. I was digging up sand, then heard a squeal of delight. I turned around and saw Lela holding a cartoonishly large silver key.

I took it from her and turned the lock, both of us being careful not to make any sound. She grabbed my hand as we walked through the dusty entrance.

"Manual? Shouldn't you be off book by now?" A British voice asked around the corner.

We peered around the corner and saw two men; a bald man with a lab coat and a tall-ish proper looking one.

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