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My eyes shoot open in annoyance. The sound of my ring on the night stand next to my bed is blaring in my ears. I hadn't heard the sound in a while. Once Winn and I had gotten back from the 21st century we easily defeated Brainiac. 

It was a little weird. He more or less gave up the second he saw Winn. But I wasn't complaining. It meant I could go home to Kara. I could finally be with her. I could finally hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her.

 When we said goodbye to each other for the second time, it seemed a bit off. She seemed emotionally detached, so I didn't act on any of the high rising emotions I was feeling and said a formal goodbye. Immediately regretting it the second I got back here. 

When I told Winn I was ready to go home, he begged me not to. He told me he wanted to stay in the future for at least a few more months, but if I had gone home with the ship, it would've been a few more years  before he could get home. So I graciously agreed. I was apart from Kara for seven years, what was a few more months? 

I look over to the alarm clock. 3:37. I snatch up the ring and press on it so the call comes though. "Hello?" I answer groggily  

"Mon-el?" Someone chokes through on the other line. 

"Kara?" I ask, now wide awake, sitting up.

"I need hel-an-who else to call" The line continues to break in and out as she attempts to say something to me in a scratchy voice. 

"Kara, what's wrong?" I get to my feet and begin putting on a pair of pants, ready to race out the door.

"She got me" She coughs 

"Who has you Kara?" I yell slipping on my shirt. I hear her attempt to say something, but all I get is muffles. "Kara where are you?" I ask racing out of my bedroom and over to Winn's door. 

"I'm-" Before she can finish I hear her scream though the phone-ring and the line goes dead. 

"KARA, KARA?" I scream, but nothing comes out the other line. I burst into Winn's room and begin shouting his name. 

"Dude, why the hell are you screaming? And why were you screaming outside my door?" he asks me half asleep. 

"It's Kara, something wrong" I tell him shuffling though his drawers to find him something decent to where. I turn around and throw a pair of pants at him while he stares at me in confusion. My guess, he's waiting for me to elaborate. "She called me with the ring I gave her," I pause grasping a shirt out of his closet and throwing the item of clothing at him once again. "She sounded hurt, and like she was crying. When I tried to ask her where she was, I heard a scream and then the line went dead." 

"Well then lets go" He worriedly shouts grabbing his phone and making his way to the ship as I follow. 


After a five hour ship ride that finally brought us back to the 21st century, I storm into the DEO. It's dead quiet, all you can hear are silent sobs. 

This cant be happening.

 It's still night here so I'm surprised to see so many agents. 

This isn't real.

I spot Alex in J'onns arms. I can't see her face, but his is tear stained.

It must be a nightmare. 

He places his hands on Alex's shoulders and turns her around so that I come into view. She stops crying for a moment. I guess she's trying to be strong. But why does she feel the need to do that, there's noting to be upset over. 

Just one extremely horrible nightmare.

She steps closer to me and looks me straight in the eyes. I open my mouth to speak, but before a word comes out she falls into my arms and begins sobbing again. I hold her like that for what seems like forever, but was probably just a few seconds, when I spot Winn come up behind me.

I pass Alex off to him as he stares at me in confusion. Agents watch as I walk over to J'onn, fighting back tears. Realization swoops over me. "Where is she?" I manage to get out without breaking.

"I really don't think that's the best idea" He says softly

I shake my head as tears begin to form in my eyes. "I need to see her" 

He sighs and nods leading me over to the med bay. All of the windows have blinds over them, so I cant seen inside. "In there" he points

I take a step closer to the door and place my hand on the handle. Pushing the door open, I don't look around, I don't want to see her until the door is closed. I don't want anyone to see me brake. I need to be strong. Once I hear the door click shut, I take a deep breath and finally turn around. My heart sinks.

Her body is so lifeless and pale. Her skin no longer looks soft and warm, but dark and cold. Her once lush pink lips that always looked so kissable were now cracked and blood stained. Her golden locks look dead and void of color. She's dead. She's actually dead.

Kara Danvers is dead.

I just stare out her, a coldness comes over me. I wait in silence, hopping that she'll just stand up and say 'I'm okay' and pull me into a hug. But I know that's just not going to happen. It can't happen.

I'm so focused on her that I don't realize someone else has come into the room. "Where did you find her?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the blood draping down her forehead, falling to her chin, not bothered to turn around.

"In an old warehouse" Alex answers between sniffles. "She had gone on a mission around 6 pm. It was a normal mission, just a disruption. But her com went dead after about an hour. And um-" Her sobs became more apparent as she tried to get the next part out. "After another hour or so, I sent J'onn and Brainy out to find her. They brought her back to the DEO and her pulse was still faint. I tired to save her Mon-el. I tired so hard." She fell into my arms once again, continuously sobbing. Silent tears were now streaming down my face as well. 

"I'm sorry- I just couldn't-save her. " she wheezed

"Shhhhh, its okay" I manage to get out. 

Before I can say anything else like 'its not your fault' or 'everything is going to be alright' the door slides open. Revealing Winn, his face red and blotchy. His eyes lock on Kara, tears becoming more evident. 

"Kara" he breaths, his voice scratchy. "Kara, get up" he steps closer to her, almost yelling.

"Winn-" I attempt to stop him, but he continues. 

"Kara, you need to get up." he says louder then before placing his hand on her forearm. 

"Winn please don't do this" I say letting go of Alex and placing my hand on his shoulder.

"No, Mon-el." He says not taking his eyes off of her. "We just need to wake her up. She's just asleep." He says clearly in denial

"No Winn, you need to understand-" I start calmly 

"Mon-el please we just need to get her up, she just needs to get up"


"No she-"

"SHE'S DEAD WINN" I scream, tired of his child's play. He looks me for the first time since he entered the room. "I'm sorry, but" I look at Alex and then back at Winn "She's dead. Kara is dead."

WELCOME. So, this is my new story. I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. I think I'm going to enter this into an contest thing. I think that would be cool, maybe. So yeah.

 Also if you read any of my other books, update will begin to slow down. That's only because I want to try to get really good chapters out to you guys. No more crap chapters, hopefully.

 I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter. Comment any ideas or any feedback, and please press that nice star button right there.

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