Captain's Thoughts

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They placed me in a new cell, and I haven't found a way to escape yet, despite having looked over it dozens of time. Worse yet is they took my daughter from me, and they're doing who knows what to her.I hope they didn't hurt her. Maybe if I hadn't tried to escape they wouldn't- No, I slip into a sitting position, They would've hurt her either way, I at least tried to prevent it.

Speaking of prevention, they know where we live, once we get out, how will I keep them from getting her again? We could move, but then it'll just be a matter of time until they find her again, and I don't think it'd be good for us to keep moving. We can't run forever. S.H.I.E.L.D. would probably monitor her, that would work. Wait, then they'd have to her on their computer, where Villains can hack and then it won't be just Hydra, but any computer Savvy Villains looking for a weakness to exploit. How did Hydra even-

"Captain?" Madame Hydra says, interrupting my thoughts. I turn towards her, otherwise not moving. "Where is Waters?" She says pausing between words. I don't reply.

"If you don't tell me, I'll have your daughter hurt," I clench my jaw and take a deep breath, I hate to have to do this.

"I'm not going to tell you."I don't like it, but it's the right thing to do. I clench my fist trying to hold the boiling anger inside.

"Let me know when you change your mind."

"Good luck with that." She gives a slight smirk, then leaves me alone, I sigh and stand up.

I need out, but if I try to escape would they hurt, or even kill her? I have to try though, Staying here will guarantee harm for the both of us. I may be a bit out of it still, the sudden appearance of Elizabeth took me out of my element. I'm used to being only Captain America, the leader and hero, when fighting, or in a cell, or whatever it is I'm doing, then going home and only being Steve Rogers, Dad and friend (to few) so suddenly having to be both messed me up, I haven't had to do that sense before she was born, and it was different then. I'll likely need to get used to that again.

But even if I do escape, I'd like to know she's safe, and make it less likely for this to happen again, I may be able to send her to a friend, it'd be easier to hide her if I didn't go with her, although I don't like the thought of it.

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