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(This fanfic has a mix of the MCU, Comics, and animated TV shows)

I come into my home, my pale knuckles cold from the chill November air. It's still quiet as my Dad hasn't returned yet, I check my phone to see if there's any news from him, nothing. I grab some leftovers from Thanksgiving and warm them in the Microwave. While I eat, I drift off in thought. "You're never going to good enough," Two of the girls at school said, "You're just a poor, pathetic, crimp." Banging my fist on the table I continue down the rabbit hole. Why can't they just leave me alone, I don't need the constant reminders.

"RRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGG" My cell phone ran dragging me out of my head, forcing a smile I picked up.

"Hey Aunt Ray," My Aunt Ray used to be my mother's sister, she used to take care of me quite a bit during my father's sudden, and occasionally long absences, but now she mostly checks on me.

"Have you heard anything?"

"No, I'm guessing you haven't either?"

"Naw, are you doing alright?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you on your own, probably worrying about your dad, and your birthday's in a few days, and it's always been tough for you for your dad to be absent then."

"I'm fine,"

"You sure? Maybe if your dad's not back by your-"

"I'm Fine!" I say, louder than I would've liked.

"Alright," She sighs, "But if you need anything, just-"

"Let you know" I finished for her "I will."

"Bye" I hang up with a sigh. After eating and washing my dishes, I head to my room to study.

Hours later the front door creaks open. But dad hasn't contacted me yet, maybe he lost his phone. Opening my door to greet him, I realize, it's not him. I quickly dunk back in, shut, and lock the door. Griping my armrest I take a few breaths, think think. I grab my phone and text Ray.

"Hyda Her, Idk y." Thud, thud. They're getting closer, they must've seen me. I grip my wheels ready to attack like dad taught me. BANG! BANG! The door swings over, I rotate Elbowing the Agent in the stomach, he tries to grab me so I roll over his toes and manages to flip him over onto his back. I pick up his gun and hold it. Then three more come into my room. Even if I were better, and more confident using guns, I don't think I could win.

Elizabeth I:The Captian's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now