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The red lights flashing around us, I can feel my Dad's chainmail suit rubbing against my cheek as he runs, carrying me on his back, as I wouldn't be able to keep up without my wheelchair. He stops. I look up to see a lone Hydra Agent, I hold tight as my Dad jumps on him, within seconds he's on the ground, my Dad holding his gun. If only I could be of more use, I feel useless.

"Cover your ears." My dad says I duck my head into my arms unable to use my arms that are wrapped around him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The gunshots and running continue as my Dad presses on. I hear running around me, making me feel a tad disoriented. I glance behind us.

"Dad, Behind you!" A bunch of agents are filling in the halls behind us while my Dad was focused on pressing onward. He steps back a little to get a better view of both sides. Madame Hydra weaves to the front of the group that was behind us. 

"You're surrounded." She says, stating the obvious. "Put her down, and step away, or she may get hurt." I feel my dad's breaths becoming longer, I wish I could see his face. He slowly sets me on the cold concrete floor.

"Now put down the gun, and step away." He hesitated but did as she said, I look at his now red face. I reach for the gun, just as a couple Agents pick me up.

"Don't even." He whispers to me, I struggle a little, but they just tighten their grip painfully, as a couple others handcuff Dad.

We're lead in opposite directions, a door opens in front of me and I'm lead to a room full of van's planes, bikes, and other forms of transportation. They threw me into the back of a van and strap me in, whilst handcuffing me. They leave me to myself, locking me in. I feel a jerk as the van starts moving. If only I could've been of more help, if only I had my wheelchair, grabbed that gun faster, fought back harder, something to help, I wouldn't be here.

I can't do anything right....

Elizabeth I:The Captian's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now