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Both slumped in bed panting and exhausted.

"That was awesome." – Aly.

They looked at each other and spontaneously broke out a hearty laugh. 

"Hahahahaha – I need sleep to get over that," Aly said as she turned to face Den.  She looked at Den still laughing and then closed her eyes.

 She was drowsing into stupor when she felt something blowing into her face.  She dismissed it but the blowing became pokes.  She opened her eyes to see Den poking at her nose.  "Hey, don’t sleep.  Let's talk for a bit," Den said.

 "What do you want to talk about?" she said still with eyes closed.

 "Tell me something I don’t know about you." – Den.

 "As in now?  Really?" – Aly.

 "Just random trivial stuff, sige na."  - Den.

 "You shoot a question and then I'll answer."  - Aly still sleepy.

 "Better!  What about Sinatra?"

 With eyes wide open, "you want to talk about Sinatra after a wild sex?  You have a lot of surprises up your sleeve huh."  - Aly.

 But before Den could say another word, Aly rhythmically snapped her fingers and – "…it's such an ancient pitch, but one that I wouldn’t switch, cause there's no nicer witch than you."

 "Frankie brings me back to my childhood.  One song and suddenly, I'm this little girl in pigtails".  Aly's eyes suddenly lit up as she said this.  The memories suddenly erased her sleepiness.

 "How about you?  Why do you have Frankie on your rack?"  - Aly.

 "I adore him because of we are both blue eyed hahahha." – Den.

 "Vain."  - Aly.

Den climbed on top of Aly and they snuggled.  "This is the best part."  Den whispered as she nuzzled her head even closer to Aly.  "You play any sport?"  - Den.

 "Tennis, you?  - Aly.

 "Penis."  -Den.

 Aly laughed and she felt Den smirked against her neck.

 "I've tried a new one though.  Vagina!  And I'm reconsidering."  - Den.

 And then she fell asleep.

 Aly is awake now.  The events of the evening kept playing on her mind.  The prom, Aaron, their drive home, Den, their glances, the dance, the shared bed, their conversation after –

 Aly has always been pussyfoot.  She thinks things over a hundred times before committing.  She has only been with two partners in her past.  And tonight is a first for her.  Spontaneity is not in her vocabulary, but tonight, that is just the mot juste she can think of.  She wants to be spontaneous with this girl and tomorrow, she will seal the deal with Den.

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