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S I X // H E N R Y


"Don't get excited, it's not Isaac," the familiar voice of Shania yawned from the other end of the phone. "And, as your supervisor, I have to inform you that's not how you answer the phone."

"What do you want?" I asked impatiently.

She grinned.

Well, probably. I know Shania pretty well, and she grins a lot.

"I'm not coming in today."

"Why not?"

"I've broken my leg."

I gasped. "Oh my god! Shit! Are you okay? Should I come and visit you -"

Shania cut me off, cackling wickedly. "I knew you weren't as grumpy as you made out. I'm just ill, that's all. Mike's cooking gave me food poisoning."

Mike was her boyfriend. Nice guy, but he couldn't cook a bowl of pasta without it ending in pain for somebody. I'm pretty sure he almost burnt water once.

"Oh," I said, blushing slightly.

"So," Shania continued, "you'll have plenty of time to talk to Isaac. Alone. If you catch my drift."

"Bye, Shania," I sighed, and then hung up the phone.

(And don't worry, this was typical behaviour for us both. Grumpy and cynical as I was, I wouldn't risk offending my only friend.)

Two hours later, the phone still hadn't rung. Isaac normally rang around eleven, but it was almost twenty to twelve.

Maybe's he's finally got a life, I thought to myself sadly. I kind of liked that kid.

I stood up and attempted to smooth my hair down - in vain - before walking over to my boss' desk, quickly reading his name plate to remind me what his name was.

Aaron Smith

"Hello, Henry," he said without looking up. "I hear you've actually been bringing in some customers these days. Funny, you used to be the one scaring them off."

"Um, it's only really one -"

"Shania speaks very highly of you, you know," Aaron Smith continued. "Everyone likes Shania. Anyway. What was it you wanted?"

"Well," I said, "I was wondering if I could go on an early lunch today."

Aaron Smith looked up and grinned. "Sure. Knock yourself out, buddy."

I got the bus into town and moseyed around for a little while, trying to find somewhere nice to eat. It was raining heavily, and it was the holidays, so people were everywhere.

I hate rain. And people.

Eventually, I found a nice-looking café with a not-too-long queue, so I took my place behind a guy with curly hair and a huge yellow umbrella - I couldn't help but envy him slightly - and buried my hands in my pockets.

"Hey," the guy said, turning around. "Do you want to share the umbrella? It''s raining cats and dogs."

"Oh," i said, smiling slightly. "Thanks." I hurried forward and ducked down under the umbrella, nodding awkwardly at the guy. "I'm Isaac," he said.

"Henry," I replied. "Henry Waters."

a.n: EDITED 21/07/15 - now vaguely grammatically correct (i.e uses capital letters)

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