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"Desire will we ever be immortal?" A man asked. "Of course Francisco, just wait, and you and your Redblood army will be gods against the Silverblood clan." The witch replied. As she said these words the wooden door opened to reveal a brown haired man with chiseled figure, with an army wearing silver. "Fransisco, please don't be so hard-headed, this is not the way." The silver clothed man pleaded. "Valian, brother, nothing can stop me and my army." Fransisco retorted. Suddenly Desire the witch got irritated and said "Forever you will have separate clans but you and your generations will become werewolves forever. The Silverlight and the Redhowls! The brothers stared in horror as silver and red air surrounded them. They grew snouts with fangs, some of their fur are red and the others silver, and they stood on fours. The witch looked at them satisfied. Years after the witch's curse, Valian's son, Wilfred, got married and had a son named William. While Fransisco's least favorite soldier, Rick, secretly married a mere mortal, and had a beautiful daughter, whom he named Maxina. The couple decided to keep this a secret so they lived in the village Avilonia. But after two years Fransisco heard of this and hunted Rick, successfully killing him and his wife, though their baby survived out of pity by the Redhowl chief who placed her in a basket and left her outside the streets of Avilonia. A childless couple found the baby and treated her as their own. But they did not notice that the baby's sapphire eyes glowed red, then back to blue.

Red Riding Hood: The Huntress of WolvesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora