Nothing but Trouble - Andy Gallagher (Part 1)

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Prompt: Andy convinces the reader to skip detention with him and uses his powers to get them out of all sorts of trouble.
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 2134

Looking back on your days in high school, your most fond memories were with your frenemy and class clown, Andy Gallagher. Out of all the people in your grade, you seemed to always be Andy's target. You prided yourself in your good grades and excellent resumé. You had a 4.0 GPA, a part of the school's soccer team, orchestra, student government, and dance team. You were what teachers called a "model student."

Gallagher on the other hand was... the complete opposite. Detention and the principal's office were basically his second homes. One thing that always bothered you was, no matter how much he got into trouble, he always seemed to find a way out of it. Yeah, he was a trouble maker and rarely did any work, but he still managed to get good grades.

The first time you truly got to know Andy, was both the best and worst day of your life. It was sophomore year when you were in your third period class, trigonometry. Most of the teachers in the school you had already been acquainted with, but this one was new.

"Hello class, my name is Mr. Collins and I will be your trigonometry teacher for the year. This may my first year teaching here, but I've been teaching for a while," the man introduced, adjusting his glasses, "So don't think you can break me easily. I know normally you choose your seats, but I've given you a seating chart."

He pointed to the white board, where the projector showed the seating arrangement. Normally, you sat front and center, but as you took a look at the chart, you realized he put you all the way in the back... right next to Andy. Immediately, you walked up to Mr. Collins. "Um sir... I see you've placed me in the back of the classroom. I usually prefer to sit in the front, it helps me focus more."

"Mhm. What's your name?" He asked.

"(Y/N) (L/N), sir," you smiled.

He looked down at the clip board in his hand. "Ah, (Ms./Mr.) (L/N). Yes, I've heard a lot about you from the staff."

Your smile grew, knowing your great reputation would help you get on his good side. "I hear you are one of the top students. Excellent grades and behavior all around."

"Thank you sir. Now you see about the seating—"

"—Don't interrupt me, (Ms./Mr.) (L/N)," he snapped. "Just because you have a good reputation among other teachers here, does not mean I will give you any special treatment. This seating chart was made at random and I cannot change it to fit to one student's standards unless it interferes with their health. Understand?"

"But sir I can't—"

"Do you understand?" He repeated sternly.

"Yes sir, I understand," you said reluctantly turning away to walk to your seat. As you took your seat, you caught a glimpse of the mischievous smirk on Andy's face.

"Look, I want to warn you, all your little pranks aren't going to work with me okay?" You scowled at him. "I'm just hear to learn and I'm not letting you distract me."

"(Y/N), do you have something you want to share with the class?" Mr. Collins said aloud.

"No sir," your cheeks reddened and you sunk further into your seat in shame. Andy couldn't help but laugh.

"You've got nothing to worry about (Miss/Mister) Goody Two-Shoes," he whispered.

As class went on, surprisingly Andy was true to his word and left you alone. "Alright class, I'm giving you a quiz before you leave. Don't worry, this won't count towards your grades. I just want to see where everyone is at," Mr. Collins announced.

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