Chapter 6

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Inu Yasha and the group walked for a really long time. The sky was getting dark so they had to camp out in the woods since the next village was far away.

*rustle* *rustle*

Kagome: This looks like a good spot.

Kierra: yeah...

Sango: First,We should start a fire and get some food to eat.

Inu Yasha: I'll go hunt since I'm good with that.

Miroku: I think Kagome and Shippo should help. They also could get food.

Kagome: I'll help. Shippo stay here and help protect the camp.

Shippo: aww...okay fine

Kierra: Cheer up Shippo. It'll be fine. You'll do a good job.

Shippo: Okay *feels a bit better*

Sango: Miroku should stay here... *looks at Miroku*

Miroku: *sweat-drop* What do you mean... ?

Kagome/Shippo,Inu Yasha: Yeah it's best

Miroku: *sigh*

Sango: I'll stay here....Keeping an eye on Miroku

Miroku: Oh so you're gonna admire/look at me the whole time

Sango: *blushes* No I'm Not! I'm just gonna babysit you until they're back!

Kierra: I'll go find wood. You can help Shippo.

Shippo: Yes! Yay!

Kagome: Okay then. Let's get going.

Kagome and Inu Yasha hunt/look for food. Kierra,with the help of Shippo, go find wood for the campfire. Miroku and Sango protect the camp.

With Kierra...

Kierra: I found another dry stick! *picks it up and puts it in her pile*

Kierra: Huh? Where's Shippo? *looks around* Uh oh...I think I went a bit too far into the woods

Kierra: Shippo! Shippo! Where are you!?!

With Shippo...

Shippo: Here's the last rock... *puts it in his pile*

Shippo: Wait... Where's Kierra? *looks around him* Uh oh... I better find her but I can't do this alone!

Shippo goes back to camp running,leaving the pile of rocks behind.

Shippo: Miroku! Sango! Help! *enters the campsite/clearing*

Sango: Calm down,Shippo!

Miroku: What's the problem?

Shippo: Its Kierra! I think she's lost in the woods!

Sango: We have to find her! Kirara!

Kirara/Kilala transforms into her demon self.

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