Chapter 26: "You are not even a coward. Your father would be ashamed."

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"Forgive me, Captain Pina, but you do seem a little distant."

Pina blinked and looked at his accuser with a forced smile. "I am sorry, your Highness. I have had a great deal on my mind. But . . . we all have, haven't we? It seems both our worlds have changed quite substantially in the last few days."

Princess Tayre's happy expression darkened.

"We have. Tell me, has there been any news from Farsalt?"

Pina winced. "The last report I received was from a private freighter who came out of the system only a few hours ago. He reported that the compound generators had been destroyed by Sarn before he left and that the atmosphere was rapidly deteriorating over the capital city." Pina took a breath. "He gave me no information on the inhabitants, save they were working hard to try and get everyone to safety. I am very sorry, your Highness."

Tayre turned away and moved to the shuttle's viewing screen, through which the bulbous shape of The Awakening grew closer.

Pina saw how she fought the tears.

"When the container ships are operational, I have ordered an immediate relief effort to be sent to Farsalt. But in the meantime, I see it as an absolute necessity to bring Commodore Sarn to whatever justice I can."

She nodded animately but still said nothing.

"Even if it means the loss of the Reaver, the things that man has done cannot be permitted to go unchallenged. If at the very least I cripple his ships so he can't continue to harm anyone else then that is some small victory."

"Yes," Tayre muttered. "Yes it is. He has to be stopped. I just feel so useless here! My planet is dying and my family are captives or dead. With the compound generators destroyed all sorts of necessities will soon run out." She turned to Pina and stared at him through tear-filled eyes, but her sobs weren't for herself, he knew, it was for her frustration at not being able to act. He put his hands on her arms.

"You have done something," he said. "Helping build and preserve the Syreal consensus is the first step in helping Farsalt–"

"It's not enough!" she said. "I should be on Farsalt myself."

"There is nothing you could do there, princess," he told her gently.

"Couldn't I say the same thing about you rushing to confront Sarn? The Reaver against two Star Destroyers is not an equal match. Even with whatever else you can muster from the Syreal station, we are still fighting on unequal terms."

It was Pina's turn to look out through the viewport. "Yes. You are right. The best I can take into battle with me is the Reaver and maybe two corvettes. It is not enough."

"Then why?"

"Because I have been ordered to do it, and because it is right. Besides, it might not be so one-sided as you think. Assayer Neerada has developed a plan which . . ."

"You obviously don't think much of it."

"It's all we've got, but it is filled with too many uncertainties."

The signal to prepare for disembarkation sounded over the shuttle's comm. Through the view screen, the Awakening vanished as the shuttle turned and entered its main hangar.

Princess Tayre offered her arm to Pina.

"Captain, we both have much to worry about. But for now, for the next two hours, let us try and put such darkness aside as we tour the ship. Please?"

He took her arm in his own.

"That would be an absolute pleasure, Princess Tayre."

They marched down the shuttle's ramp arm in arm to find four people waiting. The first was an Imperial officer who was unknown to Pina, but who bore the rank of a sergeant from the detention facility on the planet below.

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