Chapter 09: "Never make the mistake of thinking you suffer alone."

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Ella lay on the lower bunk behind the starboard bulkhead. The Nova wasn't a comfortable passenger ship, but she took some security from the background throb of the engines and the far off, intermittent bleep that sounded from the engineering console, and the sound of Salpantor or Cor walking down the passage behind.

The sounds of activity made her feel safe.

The Nova had made several short jumps after leaving Farsalt, intent on throwing off any Imperial pursuit, and on the final occasion they had sat for an hour amongst the rings of a gas giant, concealed amongst the ice, waiting to see if any ship emerged on their trail. But by the time the hour was up nothing had followed them through, and Salpantor and Chip had both agreed that they had lost any pursuer.

It was only then, once the excitement was over, did Ella weep for her planet. Cor had taken her back to the bunk, and after offering what comfort she could, she had put Ella to bed.

She had slept a sleep thankfully devoid of dreams, unpolluted by the recent stress of her waking moments, yet now she was awake she felt restless.

The tapping of Cor's talons on the metallic flooring of the Nova drew her attention. The Corvian paused at the cabin's open entrance and peered in.

"How long did I sleep for, Cor?" Ella asked, rolling over to stare at her.

"It's been nearly twelve hours since we left Farsalt," she said softly. The alien's eyes shone from above her beak, and Ella felt only concern in their gaze. "We will be landing soon. In the Syreal system. The damage the Nova sustained was not serious, but Chip thinks we need to get the hyperspace coil checked out before we commit to a longer jump. We have friends here who can help."

The Corvian's eyes remained focused on her, unblinking.

"What is it?" Ella murmured.

Cor said nothing. She simply sat at her bedside and put her wing over Ella's shoulder.


"How are you feeling, Ella?" she asked. "About what happened?"

"I don't know," she said after a moment. "I should feel angry. Bitter. I should want revenge. But . . . so much has happened. I just don't know what to feel, other than tired and flat. Does that make sense?" A horrifying thought occurred to her. "Does that make me a bad person, Cor?"

"No, no. Of course not. Revenge is never healthy. Believe me, I know that. I wanted revenge once, and . . . well, that's a story for another day. You just need time to process all that has happened. It will be painful for you, but you must know that me, that Lance and Sal, and even Chip, are all here for you. We are your family now. Like many billions of people throughout the galaxy, you have been hurt. But like many of those billions, you can take succour in our shared cause, and comfort in friendships forged by suffering. We are here for you, princess. Never make the mistake of thinking you suffer alone. There is only darkness down that path."

"Thank you Cor," Ella said. A weight lifted from the front of her mind, a growing pain that was suddenly nulled. She put her hand on the Corvian's thigh and took comfort in the being's warmth. "How old are you Cor?"

"I am seventy-eight of your human years," she answered.

"So you remember the Republic?"


"And the Jedi?" Ella gave her a hopeful look.

"I never met any, my dear. They were a powerful force until the end of the Clone Wars, but after they fell more and more evidence came to light about what they had supposedly done. The galaxy grew to hate them. Still, there were many who doubted the Empire's word." Cor fixed Ella with that concentrated stare. "When one voice dominates and overcomes all others, it is wise to question it even more. Lance might know more of them. In his youth he followed the Church of the Force, until such a worship became a crime on many worlds."

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