Chapter 14: "Oh don't be so bloody tiresome!"

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"We can't fight our way out of this Ella," Lance whispered. "You're the only one with a weapon, but against gunships? Just stay calm."

"The Empire will kill us, Lance!" Ella said, watching the centre dropship land in the middle of the platform, a hundred yards in front of them. "We can't stand here and do nothing!"

"We don't have a choice!" Hal asserted. "What else can we do? Get back on the mono-tram?"

The dropship landed as the crowd stepped backward, forming a loose circle around and hiding the Assayer from Ella's sight.

"Actually kid, that's not a bad idea!" Lance muttered. "C'mon."

Ella followed their lead back into the carriage, but the doors remained open.

"Ella, you and Hal try the front end. Sal and I will try the back. Get the driver moving again. We haven't got long before they find us."

Ella glanced through the windows as she made her way along the empty carriages, trying to catch sight of the Assayer.

"Strange," she said to Hal. "Why haven't they identified us? If you were informing on someone you would certainly describe them wouldn't you? And a white wookie should easily stand out."

"I guess," Hal answered quietly. "But why not tell them about the Nova then?"

Ella didn't answer, for she was approaching the driver's door. She tried it but it was locked.

"Stand back Hal. It's time for a bit of Jedi magic."

Hal frowned. "Are you going to use the Force?"

Ella risked a smile. "Yeah. Kind of."

She kicked at the lock with her foot, her booted heel landing perfectly. The door shook but remained closed.

"Damn. It's too strong."

"Come on, Ella," Hal said. "I think the Assayer is on to us!"

She glanced outside as she reached inside her bag. The heavy hilt of Jish's lightsaber greeted her with a warm affection, as though it was a sentient thing. Outside, the crowds were parting as the Assayer searched, pushing people roughly out of his path, advancing always toward the tram.

Ella held the end of the lightsaber to the door.

"If anyone's inside - stand back!" she shouted, and slid the switch.

The green blade penetrated straight through the door. Hot plastics dripped down to the carriage floor as Ella guided the lightsaber in a slow circle, extending the hole.

A droid cry came from the other side.

"Oh! Oh I say!"

The door fell loose as the lock melted away and fell to the floor with a satisfying 'clunk.' Inside, a golden humanoid droid raised its arms in surrender.

"Drive!" Ella said. She raised the weapon and scowled. "Or you're next."

"Yes. Of course."

"Ella! He's seen us!"

Hal ducked as a blaster bolt shattered the wide window. Ella lifted the lightsaber automatically. The doors swung shut. The engine rumbled, and the tram started to move.

Two stormtroopers opened fire again, but shooting at the windows in the carriages behind.

Ella saw why. The Assayer burst into a run as the tram pulled away, charging toward the carriages behind.

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